ICAS 2019 Conference

Increasing the Productivity of Mendong Handycraft as a Part of the Creative Economy in the Globalization Era
Wijayaningsih, Rini and R. A. Harianto

Bhayangkara University


In the workplace it contributes to the regional economy and enhances community empowerment through handicrafts in Sleman Yogyakarta. Creation which is part of the process of increasing the productivity of Mendong crafts through IKK can improve the local economy. This craft has special characteristics in accordance with local characteristics and regional cultural reflection. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Several years of decline in crafting due to lack of guidance and creativity from the design and marketing system, this researcher aims to explore the potential and creativity of the Mendong design by applying technology to increase the impact on the regional economy through interviews and literature studies to help improve the productivity of Mendong.

Keywords: market access design creativity, products, creative economy, technology.

Topic: Other

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/yA2EFRdxpkaL

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