ICONBEAT 2019 Conference

Growth Performance of Indigofera zollingeriana Which Substitute Farm Waste Fertilizer in Growth Media
Asmah H, Kurnia H, Rikha F A, Dwica A, Diah N, and Agung M.W

Animal Sciences Department, Agricultural – Animal Sciences Faculty, University of Muhammadiyah Malang


This research aim to study Indigofera zollingeriana (I zollingeriana) growth in media which used farm waste as substitute to humus. Farm waste was forages and concentrate waste which animals didn-t want to eat. For to take advantage of farm waste, it has to fermentation in selulolitics bacteria for 4 weeks. The result of fermentation was used as subtituted to humus in growing media of I zollingeriana. There were 3 treatment namely P0 (humus 50%, soil with rhyzomes 50%, farm waste 0%), P1 humus 25%, soil with rhyzomes 50%, farm waste 25%) and P2 (humus 0%, soil with rhyzomes 50%, farm waste 100%). Each treatment has 5 times repetation, and each unit content 10 trees. After 1 months observation, variables were measured namely sums of leaves, plant height, root length, sums of nodules, dry matter and crude protein production. Samples of DM and CP were analysed in Laboratory of Nutrition University of Muhammadiyah Malang in procsimat method (AOAC, 2010). Data were analysed in excell programme. Results, averages height of plants in P0, P1 dan P2 were 145; 187,7 and 176,62 cm. Roots lenght were 8,7; 15 dan 14,5 cm. Sums of leaves were 71; 74,1 dan 56,89. DM content were (%) 17,63; 14,88 and 15,76. CP content were (%) ; 17,11; 17,93 and 20,99. Conclussion, farm waste fermentation for 4 weeks giving growth performance better than none farm waste. Farm waste 25% in media has the best performance of I zollingeriana growths and content of DM and CP.

Keywords: Farms Waste fertilizer, Growth Parameter, DM and CP Content

Topic: Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/yN8Lv4aqmWcG

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