AASEC 2019 Conference

Isolation of Potential Proteolytic Bacteria from Hospital Wastewater
SR Dewi*, AAAL Paramasatiari, NW Rusni

Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Universitas Warmadewa, Bali-Indonesia


Wastewater needs to be processed before being disposed. Generally the wastewater that produced by a hospital contains a lot of bacteria, viruses, chemical compounds, and drugs which can be harmful for the health of the surrounding community. For this reason, it is necessary to process hospital wastewater by using effective and efficient wastewater treatment technology. One of the processes of wastewater treatment is biological processing that use microorganisms. Aim of this study is to isolate microbial that produce proteolytic capabilities that are potential in treating hospital wastewater. This research is a descriptive study with cross sectional design. Samples were taken from the Waste Water Treatment Plant of Kasih Ibu General Hospital in Denpasar. The screening of the proteolytic bacteria was done by growing the isolated culture on skim milk agar. The colonies that produce clear zone were identified as proteolytic bacteria. In this study a total of 43 isolates were obtained and two isolates showed their proteolytic activity. Both isolates are Gram positive cocci and Gram negative bacilli.

Keywords: isolation; bacteria; hospital; wastewater; proteolytic

Topic: Biology

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/yUGRjcnmAPX6

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Sri Ratna Dewi)