Power Saving of IP over WDM: Coherent Taxonomy, Mechanism and Technique: A review
Legenda Prameswono Pratama1, Safaa Najah Saud2, Eni Dwi Wardihani3, Nordayati Mat Lehat4
1Faculty of School of Graduated Studies, 2,4Faculty of Information Sciences and Engineering, 3Faculty of Telecommunication engineering
1,2,4Management and Science University
Abstract— In this survey, the comparison of highlights on the importance of energy saving in IP over WDM (IPoWDM) is presented and followed by the review on the existing related article by using systematically data review based inclusion and exclusion criteria. The adaptive clock frequency, sleeping mode, and hybrid grooming mechanism protection is the latest breakthrough in the IPoWDM mechanism. The researcher identifies trend of survivability is divided into three protection: link scheme, path protection and restoration. This paper focuses on the techniques and methods employed, and analyze the difference from the latest article review. The analysis based on the literature review indicates the development in the research trend and estimates the energy saving based on the techniques, mechanism and modeling and protection scheme by identifying the advantages and benefits for the next research. Results of obtained, we viewed from the ease and the great impact on power saving, the technology of sleep mode on the standby network is possible. The scheme that is carried with a protection mechanism is set to sleep and wake quickly. The easiness is a principal aspect that encourage to look into best protection strategies to save power in IPoWDM networks. Nevertheless, these does not prevent the possibility of development another mechanism. Finally, the potential for future research directions are also discussed.
Keywords: Keywords— Energy Consumption, Power Consumption, IP over WDM Network, Survivability
Topic: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science