ICISER 2019 Conference

The regulation (UU ITE/cyber law) Socialization and Implementation model by KemKominfo to Mitigate Negative Content on Social Media
Erwin Mulyadi*, Henni Gusfa

Magister of Communication Science, Mercu Buana University, Jakarta

* erwin.mulyadi[at]gmail.com


The aims of this research are to understand the forms and model of socialization held by Ministry of Communications and Informatics (KemKominfo) and to understand the implementation of regulation (Electronic Information and Transaction Law - UU ITE) especially to regulate any actions that are prohibited regarding internet usage. The role of the KemKominfo through socialization is to provide digital education and literacy to users of social media, while the implementation of regulations means that the government becomes an apparatus that carries out internet filtering and law enforcement actions against social media users who are proven to spread negative content (despite still there are many hoaxes and hatespeeches spreaded among the social media). Using CMC theory, Knowledge Management Model and Public Policy theory, the method used in this research is a case study with qualitative approach, and the purpose is about to find out how the socialization model in the context of implementing regulations made by the government in mitigate negative content in social media. It is found that digital literacy and public socialization is more suitable for holistic long-term needs while the implementation of regulations (top down) combined with serious law enforcement is still needed to anticipate the implications caused by the use of information technology. This research recommend that government should put more effort at digital literacy and socialization to further raise the awareness of self regulation among social media as bottom up communication.

Keywords: Socialization; implementation; regulation; digital literacy;social media; hoaxes

Topic: What are the topics?

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/z2DegAKyQaun

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