IoT and Radio Frequency-based Smart Control for Lighting in Airport Services
Mochammad Rifai(a*), Afif Zuhri Arfianto (b), A.T. Muzazanah
a)Dept of Air Navigation. Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya
b)Dept. of Marine Electrical Engineering
Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya[at]
In the context of energy efficiency, the control function of electrical equipment is an important part of saving electricity consumption. This is proven by several previous studies about the control of electrical equipment that has been successful for efficiency. In this study, electrical equipment will be controlled in public service buildings, using radio frequency (RF) and the internet. This research was realized by making a prototype of radio frequency and internet-based light control devices. For buildings whose location is difficult to reach by the internet, light control uses radio frequency. While for buildings that are affordable by internet access, using the internet to control the light. In this study the microcontroller used is ESP 8266 MCU Node and TCM 3105 FSK IC Modem for connection to the internet. Device performance in running controls is measured by delay. Delay is the time difference between the command input time and the time the device has run the command.The average delay value compared to the distance is 1,313 ms at a distance of 1 m, 25.242 ms at 10 m, and 4,174 ms at 100 m
Keywords: ESP 8266, radio frequency,TCM 3105
Topic: Smart materials