ICAS 2019 Conference

Understanding Values of Nasionalism in Region Communities Border of Republik Indonesia and Democratic Republik of TL (case study in Bikomi Nilulat and Central Bikomi Subdistrict, Nort Central Timor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province)
Yanuarius Sani Feka, Prof.Dr. H. Karim Suryadi, M.Si

Post-Graduate Department of Pancasila and Citizenship Education, Faculty of Education, University of Education, Indonesia


Border area has strategic values that not owned by the other area and may be vital for the integrity of NKRI. The function of the border area as a tool of upholded the sovereignty of the NKRI region for all forms of menacing from outside and within the country. Large nation and country needed nationalism spirit of their people, nationalism functions to given clear line between appropriate national cultures with the live Indonesian people and foreign culture that reduce the sense of nationalsm nationally, and nasionalism as an ideological movement. Fading of nasionalism spirit from external or internal factors because lack comprehension of people about nasionalism values will have impact with loosing character and nation identity.

Keywords: Nationalism, Values of Nationalism, Border Society

Topic: Social Cultural

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/zFgPQVUe3BG9

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Yanuarius Sani Feka Prof. H. Karim Suryadi, M.Si)