ISAMME 2019 Conference

Can Sociomathematical Norms Be Developed With Learning Media?
Sri Adi Widodo (1*,2); Turmudi (1); Jarnawi Afgani Dahlan (1)

1. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
2. Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa


The purpose of this article shows that sociomathematical norms can be raised through learning media. Sociomathematical norms are social norms related to problem-solving in mathematics learning. Sociomatematic norms can be formed from interactions between students or teachers in learning mathematics so that the culture of mathematics can be formed in a group or the class community at school. This preliminary study is not to create learning media that can improve the norms of sociomathematical but can only utilize conceptual by comparing various literature related to social norms, sociomathematical norms, and learning media. Theoretically, using visual media can improve sociomathematical norms, so that mathematical culture in the class can be formed. This is because visual learning media can be used by students to interact with the surrounding environment. In this regard, the teacher needs to prepare visual learning media to help mathematics learning so that the mathematics culture in the class can be formed.

Keywords: Sociomathematical Norms; Learning Media

Topic: Mathematics Education


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