Effect of soluble soybean Polysaccharide(SSPS) Consentration and SSPS/PVA Ratio on characteristics of biodegradable plastic
1Yusmaniar,1Risqi Arfiansya 1Mutiah Arum 1Devi Indrawati Syafei
1Departement of Chemistry Faculty of Match and Science Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jln Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta Timur 13220, Indonesia
This study aims to determine the effect of Poly vinyl alcohol (PVA) and Soluble soybean polysaccharides (SSPS), and to characterize it (water resistance and biodegradation test). This research was done by blending (mixing) PVA, SSPS, acetic acid, and maleic anhydride. From the results of infrared spectrum analysis on plastic films showed peaks in the area 1000-1100 cm-1 which indicates the absorption of polysaccharides. This plastic has an optimum water resistance of in the ratio between 1:1 w/w (SSPS:PVA). Optimum biodegradation test results in the ratio of 1:1 w/w (SSPS:PVA). Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that water resistance and biodegradation reach optimal on composition 1:1 w/w (SSPS:PVA).
Keywords: Soluble soybean polysaccharides (SSPS), poly vinyl alcohol (PVA/PVOH), biodegradable plastic
Topic: Environmental Engineering