BIS 2019 Conference

Wolio Oral Literature On The Design Of Characters The Millennial Generation in The Buton Islands
Nadir La Djamudi (a*), Asrul Nazar (b), Kosilah (b)

a) Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton, Jalan Betoambari No. 36, Baubau 93723, Indonesia
nadirladjamudi[at]; asrulnazar[at]; kosilah81[at]


One of the cultural diversity of the Indonesian people is oral literature. Noble values in Oral Literature should contribute to shape the millennial generation to reinternalize Pancasila character. The condition of the current millennial generation has been fragile due to the threat of globalization. One practical method of forming millennial generation is to embody the noble values contained in Wolio Oral Literature in all lines of life. Wolio Oral Literature is a cultural product of the intellectual property of the Butonese ancestors which grew up and developed from generation to generation, delivered orally by the Butonese. The purpose of this study is to describe the noble values in Wolio Oral Literature as an effort to form the character of millennial generation in Buton Island. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative, which focuses on the depth of appreciation of the interaction between the concepts being studied empirically. The results showed that the noble values forming the characters contained in Wolio Oral Literature are the values of heroism, history, obedience/dedication, perseverance, fortitude, friendship, friendliness (kindness), religious (belief), courtesy, compassion (love dear-love), persistent (hard work), honesty, willing to sacrifice, togetherness, helpfulness, kinship, advice/nurture, and patience. The conclusion of this research is the noble values in Wolio Oral Literature can be a solution to the decadence of the current generation millennial generation character, especially the people in the Buton Island.

Keywords: Character education; millennial; oral literature

Topic: Education


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