ICIEVE 2019 Conference

Adoption of Sundanesse Traditional Architecture for Design Development of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Regional Campuses
M. Syaom Barliana, Diah Cahyani P., Riskha Mardiana,

KBK Sejarah, Teori Arsitektur, dan Budaya Bermukim; Departemen Pendidikan Arsitektur,
Fakultas Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan,
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The development of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) regional campuses are essential and urgent. In connection with that, the development and architectural design should consider the context and potential of the region. The wealth of local and traditional Sundanese architecture can be an inspiration for the design of the campuses development in the regions. Each region, of course, has its local wealth and uniqueness, which must explore. The methods used were historical descriptive research, ethno-architecture, and architectural transformation. This initial research explores the content, patterns, and characteristics of traditional Sundanese architecture then adopted and adapted to the principles of UPI regional campus architecture design in Cibiru, Sumedang, and Tasikmalaya

Keywords: Keywords: Adoption and adaptation of architecture, Sundanese architecture, UPI regional campuses

Topic: Architecture

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/zZaw89guHCdh

Web Format | Corresponding Author (M Syaom Barliana)