BIS 2019 Conference

Superior Local Content Curriculum Development Management of Al Firdaus Islamic Elementary School of Mertoyudan District of Magelang Regency
Hozaimi, Imam Mawardi, Imron

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang


This study aims to describe the management of the development of superior local content curriculum and the strategy to run a superior local content curriculum at Al Firdaus Islamic Elementary School, Mertoyudan District, Magelang Regency. The study uses descriptive qualitative methods. Data collection techniques are done by observation, interviews, document review. Management of superior local content curriculum development at Al Firdaus Islamic Elementary School is carried out through planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling. Planning discusses curriculum work programs and division of curriculum tasks. In the curriculum implementation phase, the principal motivates and directs the work team. The control phase is evaluated and supervised by the school principal for improvement. The preeminent local content curriculum is the religious curriculum, namely Quran Hadith, Faith Character, Fiqh of worship, SKI, and Arabic. The flagship program of the religious curriculum is Tahfidzul Quran supported by Iqra. School strategies include teacher development, intensive Iqra teaching, playing the Quran letters, Quran study. Tahfidz, Iqra, and the study was conducted in the morning when the students were still fresh. Students are accustomed to worship and morality. The research implications show that management functions are needed in the curriculum development process. Islamic schools need to prioritize the content and values of the Quran and implement them as excellent.

Keywords: Curriculum Development Management and Superrior Local Content Curriculum

Topic: Education


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