The Influence Of Transformational Leadership And Work Discipline On Automotive Employee Performance In Bandar Lampung
Listiani (a*), Ribhan (b), Nova Mardiana (b)
University Of Lampung
The automotive industry in Indonesia is currently experiencing a very rapid increase. Transformational leadership with employee performance is the result of work by cultivating the ability to carry out its work functions, both in quantity by comparing work results to company standards, the embodiment of employee attitudes that have good work discipline will affect their performance. This study aims to determine the effect of transformational leadership on performance Automotive Industry employees in Bandar Lampung and know the effect of work discipline on the performance of Automotive Industry employees in Bandar Lampung, this study was analyzed using multiple linear regression. The data used in this study were obtained from 120 respondents of Automotive Industry employees in Bandar Lampung. The results of this study support the hypothesis that transformational leadership and work discipline have a positive effect on employee performance.
Keywords: Automotive Industry, Transformational Leadership, Work Discipline and Employee Performance
Topic: Human Resource Management