ICIST 2019 Conference

Speed Control System In Mobile Robot Based On Bezier Curve Trajectory
Muhammad Faiz Alfatih, Munawar Agus Riyadi, ST., MT.,Ph.D, Dr. Iwan Setiawan, ST.,MT.

Program Magister Teknik Elektro, Departemen Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro


The development of robot technology is currently growing rapidly, mobile robot is one of the robots with many applications in everyday life. One important thing in the field of cellular robots is the problem of trajectories or trajectories, in this case how the robot can track the approved path. In this study, the cellular robot control system has been tested to track tracks. The path used in this study is the third-order Bezier Order, with control points and end points of the predetermined pathway. Based on the results of simulation tests on the development of mobile robot trajectories, the reality is that the performance of the trajectory system based on the Bezier curve trajectory is highly dependent on the placement of the bezier curve control points or in other words the actual trajectory formed by the robot is greatly influenced by the shape of the bezier trajectory that was designed.

Keywords: Mobile Robot, Trajectory, Bezier Curves.

Topic: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/zjLyRHMUu4xN

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