BIS 2019 Conference

Essay Exam Assessment System Using the Plagiarism Checker system
P Hendradi, Chusniyati, E U Artha

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang


E-learning systems have evolved with the rise of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) model and also the influence of Industry 4.0 in the world of education with the term era education 4.0. Both students and teachers/lecturers can organize and manage the learning process independently according to their needs. In the learning cycle in the e-learning system requires an assessment process to ensure learning achievement. Currently there are many assessment systems, but no one has used the essay model, because it is usually difficult to make corrections to score. In this research, an examination system with an essay model is proposed that can later be used to complement the e-learning system in the era of education 4.0, which is to adopt a plagiarism checker system by using the fuzzy method approach in automating score gives.

Keywords: essay exam, e-learning, plagiarism checker, fuzzy, scoring

Topic: Information Engineering


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