STCSD 2019 Conference

Tri Yuniningsih

Diponegoro University


Many studies that have been carried out on tourism development policies in the city of Semarang, it is still not optimal. This is because many factors include cooperation between actors that have not been good. It can be said that the sustainable development approach launched by the government is not good. Interesting phenomenon why this research conducted. As for the purpose of this study is to answer the research question why Tourism Village development policies in the city of Semarang are not fully characterizee by sustainable development. The method of research uses qualitative descriptive. The city of Semarang. Data collection was carried out by observation, interviews and documentation. From the results of the study, it can be seen that: tourism development policies, especially about tourism villages in Wonolopo village research locations are still less irritable. The cooperation between the actors involved is still not maximal, and the governments attention is still low. In relation to the sustainable development approach this policy also still does not fully show its characteristics. This is indicated by a lack of government attention to tourist villages that already formed but then allowed to grow and develop on its own. Characteristics of having an impact on economic aspects have not been maximal, the characteristics of the aspect of resources can be said to be quite good, and seen from the aspect of the social environment in particular it is still not good. While as a new tourism village, it still needs attention and support from the government and other actors to develop it so that it can exist in the future. Recommendations that can be conveyed to the government are to increase the network of actors involved so that they are more solid in developing tourism villages that are formed and give attention and more intensive guidance and direction. For tourism villages themselves, it is necessary to continually increase their capacity by collaborating with the private sector or other third parties. Sustainable development that has not yet been identified must continue to be pursued so that it can realize Tourism Village development policies Characteristic by sustainable development

Keywords: Development, Tourism Village, Sustainable Development, Economic Aspects, Resources

Topic: Public Policy, Public Service and Sustainable Development


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