AASEC 2019 Conference

Career Counseling Forum For University
Leni Fitriani (a*), Dede Kurniadi (a)

a) Department of Informatics, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut
Jl. Mayor Syamsu no 1, Garut, 44151, INDONESIA


One of the many alumni problems that occurs after graduation is a lack of knowledge about working world and careers that they can take. There are still many universities that do not have career counseling for managing their students career. This problem happens because of the lack of students awareness to come to the career center to take part in career counseling. The purpose of this study is to create a student forum that contains career counseling with alumni. This forum is expected to be useful for alumni who need information about the working world. The methodology used in this study is the Unified Software Development Process whose stages are analysis model, design model, implementation model, deployment model, and testing model. Furthermore, it is modeled by using the Unified Modeling Language diagram, in the form of use case diagrams, activities, sequences, and class diagrams. This study took a sample from the Career Development Center of Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut. The result of this study is the existence of a web-based career counseling forum that can help students and alumni interact with each other to share information and knowledge about the working world. Additionally, this career counseling is expected to help students and alumni to better understand their working world.

Keywords: Applications; Counseling; College students; University; Web.

Topic: Computer Science

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/zxK2deUM34Zk

Web Format | Corresponding Author (leni fitriani)