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Abstract Topic: Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering

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Agent-based modelling driven by gravity model in simulating growth of an economic point between two cities due to opening of new route in case of a highway
Tatang Suheri1 Sparisoma Viridi2

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Tatang Suheri

1Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Jalan Dipatiukur 112-116, Bandung 40132, Indonesia

2Departement of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia

Reducing travelling time between two cities by opening new route is a common solution, but usually it do not calculate the effect of this change to the growth of some economic points along the path of the new route. In the case of highway the only possible points are the rest areas. People and their cars are represented by agents who are travel and back between the two cities like a swinging pendulum with their on characteristic periode. Each city has its own mass that attracts agents to orbit around them, such as workplace, market, information, customer, and other features. A person who lives at city A but work at city B has to travel every day throug the highway. The need of this person is changing with time. During the day he requires a workplace but during the night he need a home. Since city A provides mass in the form of home and city B provides it in the form of workplace, he should leave city A in the morning to orbit around city B until afternoon, and then leave city B to orbit around city A in the night. During orbit change between the two cities he can choose different path, which is chosen to be the highway in this work. Due to characteristics of each agent, such as level of daily planning, vehicle quality, health, weather, and other aspects, it can transit to a restarea at some position or not. During it transit economic transaction can be occured such as accessing toilette, filling gas to the car, buying snacks, or simply a pause. Characeristics of every agent can be generated using a hypothetical distribution and then used in the simulation. Every type of economy transaction will be weighted and then accumulated in each day to obtained daily income for an economic point. Best and worse schenarios can be modelled. Work day and holy day will also show differences. Homogeneity of agents will also has interesting influence.

cities, agent-based modelling, gravity model, economic point, growth, highway, rest area

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Agricultural Land Use Change into Tourism Area in Lembang Sub-District, West Bandung Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia
Lia Warlina, Rudi Guntara

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Lia Warlina

Department of Urban and Regional Planning
Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The research objective is to identify agricultural land use change and its impact on the community in Lembang Sub-district, West Bandung Regency. The research methods used were overlay technique and questionnaire distribution. Overlay technique was used to determine the location distribution of land use change. Land use maps of the year 2008 and 2015 were used for overlay analysis with geographic information system (GIS). Questionnaires were distributed to the residents of Lembang Sub District to gather information regarding changes in occupation and income of the community. The result of the overlay technique is agricultural land about 116.1 hectares converted into other functions. Modifications of these land into buildings by 2%, housing as much as 77%, a commercial zone covering an area of 8% and tourism area 13%. There was evidence that the majority of farmers have monthly income decrease more than 25% as an impact of land use change in this area. There was no evidence that the resident-s occupation changes due to land use change in this area.

land use, land use change, agricultural land, tourism area

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Analysis of Thematic Park Function in Bandung
Rifiati Safariah, Riri Endah Lestari

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Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Bandung in its development seeks to apply the concept of green city. One of its supporting elements is the availability of green open space proportionally. Thematic park is a green open space that contribute in forming urban landscape and has an important role in urban area. The aim of this study is to analyze the function of thematic parks in Bandung through perception and preference analysis. This analysis is carried out by gap analysis method to thematic park function which consist of ecological function, social function, aesthetic function, and economic function. By conducting studies in 10 thematic parks, the results showed that there were several thematic parks that fulfill its function. The results of this study are useful to provide an overview of the use of thematic parks in Bandung in the fulfillment of its functions, and provide recommendations for utilization and management of thematic parks in Bandung.

green open space, thematic park, park function

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Attitudes Towards Walking for Adults Based on Gender: A Cross Sectional Analysis in Bandung City
Romeiza Syafriharti(1,4), B Kombaitan(2), I P Kusumantoro(3) and I Syabri(2)

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Romeiza Syafriharti

1 - PhD Student of Transportation, SAPPK, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
2 - Urban and Regional Planning, SAPPK, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
3 - Transportation, SAPPK, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
4 - Urban and Regional Planning, FTIK, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

The purpose of this study was to examine gender differences in attitudes towards walking with consideration of health, environment, active transport, access mode to transit, sports, and friendship with neighbors. The survey was conducted on 300 respondents who lived in the city of Bandung, with the proportion of female respondents the same as men. Cross-sectional analysis and rasch models were used to understand differences in attitudes towards walking between men and women who gave their assessment with 5-Likert scales. For each variable of attitude found a different pattern between women and men.

Attitudes, Walking, Gender

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Bamboo Materials in Modular Systems as Efficient Earthquake Resistant Architecture
Deni Albar, Fikri Hermawan

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Zikra Nurhafiza

Departemen Desain, Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The purpose of this research was to identify the development of earthquake resistant architectural technology. Modular systems can be one of the technology choices that can be used in modern times. The use of bamboo material in this modular construction system is expected to be one solution to the problem of disasters, especially earthquakes. In Indonesia the development of the use of modular systems is well known but not yet known by the wider community, even though Indonesia is an earthquake-prone country. The method used in this research is descriptive method, to show an overview of the use of modular systems with efficient and earthquake-resistant bamboo materials. The results of this study are to examine the extent to which the use of modular systems with bamboo material is efficient and earthquake resistant. This research was conducted to discuss what a modular system, how to work with bamboo material and earthquake resistance.

earthquake, bamboo materials

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Behavior of Concrete Burned with High Temperature
Y D Setiyarto, H Y Fira

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Y. Djoko Setiyarto

Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Jalan Dipatiukur No.112-116 Bandung, Indonesia

Fire events in buildings cause changes in the behavior of concrete and the components in it. In general, concrete materials are relatively more fire resistant than wood and plastic, as well as steel. However, to provide significant durability performance against fire, several requirements are still needed for adequate post burn concrete durability. The composition of concrete constituents is very important to note in terms of post burn concrete durability because cement and aggregate pastes contain components that can decompose after heating. This study aims to determine the compressive strength of concrete after fire and to determine the properties and characteristics of concrete after fire. This study used an experimental method using cube concrete specimens and concrete quality K 175. where each of the 5 samples was treated burned and not burned. Concrete is treated by curing for 28 days. The fuel test uses an electric furnace with the combustion temperature used is 1000 Celcius with a duration of 6 hours at the age of 35 days. Furthermore the test sample is cooled at room temperature for 24 hours. Changes that occur in post burn concrete include changes in the color of the concrete to gray white, crazing, spalling, release of aggregate grains, occur shrinkage and increased porosity. The results of post burn concrete press test also showed a decrease in compressive strength by 70%. The average percentage of post burn shrinkage is 13.79%. The average value of post burn porosity of concrete is 31.91%. So it can be concluded that concrete which experiences a fire at high temperatures will cause a very significant decrease in quality both in terms of strength and aesthetics.

concrete, fire, temperature, compressive strength

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Development of Smart Application Systems in the World of Waste Bank Business
Irfan Sumitra, Dewi Sri Juniarti

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M Azmi JR

Departemen Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

This writing was made with the aim to analyze the efficiency carried out by millennials to create a modern management system using technology. The method used by the author is a descriptive method and observation from sources that exist on the internet or in the book. The author hopes that the results of this study are that millennials can develop modern technology and can apply it to the waste bank business that has good business opportunities and minimizes the use of technology that is not used properly. So from the research obtained, it was concluded that millennials have good knowledge about waste that can be recycled, and know the use of technology for this business, but there are some people who are not interested in helping develop the technology bank waste business and lack of attention from the local government to Therefore, what should be done is to provide socialization to inform that the trash can is important and its management with technology. Of course technology can improve management.

Millenials, Waste bank business, Technology, Trash management

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Family Satisfaction Measurement Based on Daily Activities and Travel Patterns of The Housewives in The Great Metropolitan Bandung
Amelia Hayati, Pradono Pradono, Heru Purboyo Hidayat Purbo, Sri Maryati

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Amelia Hayati Dayat

School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development, Institute Technology Bandung

This paper explains the measurement results of the families satisfaction on their housewives daily travel patterns to fulfill the daily needs of all family members. Millennial housewives now apply multi role in their households, all as mothers, wives, teachers, drivers, partners, and housekeepers. To meet the daily needs of all family members, including herself, a housewife must carry out activities and trips out of the house. It turns out that women travel patterns are very different from men. This applies in general, including in Bandung Metropolitan Area, Indonesia. Through the method of clustering approach based on the distance of the respondents residence to the city center of 0 Km in the Bandung Metropolitan Area, it can be concluded that the closer the distance to the center of the city, the activity and mobility of housewives travel patterns is getting denser.

Families Satisfaction, Housewives, Daily Needs, Activity Based, Travel Patterns

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Fire Safety System Building
P K Mahbub (a), C Darmawan (b*)

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Dila Agustin

Departemen Arsitektur Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

Departemen Desain Interior, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to provide information related to the importance of the use of the safety system of the building, so that building owners know the system and can apply it to a building he owned, and also can minimize the extent of damage and loss in the receive if disaster or a fire in the building. This study is a literature study about tools and equipment related to fire hazards that must be present in a building. There are three factors of fire handling, namely supervision, prevention and evacuation systems. This research discusses the tools of these three factors. This research used is descpritive method with data collection related data from the journal of the problems taken to support this theory, to present a complete picture of the issues involved, so that readers understand what the author meant. The resulf of this research is that fire safety system is one of the measures to minimize the loss in the received result of the fire received by the building. With the right equipment, the factors that can cause fires can be detected early with a surveillance system, and can be dealt with quickly and precisely, so that losses can be minimized.

Building, Safety System, fire saftey

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Flood Control Study Using 2D Numerical Model in Cipabuaran Channel, Kali Sabi Watershed, Tangerang City
V Pratiwi(1,2*), B P Yakti(3), A Rizaldi (3), I R Moe (4), D P Koesrindartono (5)

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Vitta Pratiwi

(1) Doctoral Program of Civil Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung, Indonesia

(2) Civil Engineering Department, Computer Sciences and Engineering Faculty, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Jl. Dipati Ukur 112-116 Bandung, Indonesia

(3) Center for Water Resources Development, Institute for Research and Community Services, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung, Indonesia

(4) Directorate General of Water Resources, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Jl. Pattimura No. 20, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia

(5) Public Works and Spatial Planning Agency, Jl. KS. Tubun No. 96 Tangerang, Indonesia

The flood that has occurred in Tangerang City is a problem that has not yet been resolved. The flood originated from Bogor through the Cisadane River. Cipabuaran Channel is one of the channels in the Sabi River watershed that often overflows. Sabi River itself is a tributary of the Cisadane River. In this study the flood control simulation in Cipabuaran Channel was carried out using a 1D-2D numerical model. Simulation is carried out with 4 scenarios based on the design flow of the 10 year return period. for scenario 1, flood control is carried out using retention pond in the downstream of Cipabuaran Channel, scenario 2 is carried out by using two retention ponds in the upstream and downstream of Cipabuaran Channel, scenario 3 using retention ponds in the downstream of Cipabuaran Channel and bypass channel to Cisadane river, and scenario 4 performed by using retention pond in the downstream of Cipabuaran Channel and normalization on the Channel. Simulation results show the effectiveness of flood reduction for each scenario, for scenario 1 flood can be reduced by 9%, scenario 2 flood can be reduced by 32.52%, scenario 3 flood can be reduced by 77.34% and for scenario 4 flood can be reduced by 95%. From these results it can be concluded that scenario 4 where flood control is carried out using retention pond in the downstream of Cipabuaran Channel and normalizing the River can reduce flooding significantly.

Flood Reduction, Pond, Tangerang, Cipabuaran

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Syadriyansyah (a*), Muhammad Aria (b)

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Kris Lita Silaban

a) Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to provide a new innovation about how to think someone in designing a building in a residence in a city. This method of research is to provide a frame of reference for thinking and broad knowledge in designing dwellings in cities. The results of this study to provide broad knowledge of buildings in the future because of the lack of a persons way of thinking in building design. The purpose of this writing is the need for an innovative thinking and an interesting idea when wanting to design a residential building, so that when designing a building the designer already knows what to design. The conclusion of this study is the lack of understanding of design for places to live in the city and in the end many cases of housing housing that are wild in urban areas.

Innovation, Design, Residence

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Intertwining Art, Culture and Technology in Girimekar Village Planning towards Tourism Village in Bandung Regency
Trihanondo, Donny; Endriawan, Didit

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Donny Trihanondo

Department of Creative Arts, Telkom University

Tourism can be generated through creative sectors. Bandung as a potential tourism area could be developed further, especially with its culture and heritage intertwined with art, and technology especially within ICT (Information and Communication Technology) mindset. Girimekar village in the northeastern part of Bandung, has several advantages to be developed towards a tourism village. The key advantages are the relatively short distance from the city center, great views to the city, nice temperature, and also the villagers that have the willingness to develop its village. Girimekar village is the subject of several community service programs initiated by Telkom University, programs like developing its people and also area through mural program, village website development, business workshops, are among the programs conducted in the village. The community service program also added with a research to get better knowledge about the village and to design and plan the area as a heritage and tourism spot. This research uses participatory approach methodology and currently is still ongoing. The preliminary results of the research are that the Girimekar village has the potential to be developed further as a tourism village, and that the design and planning of the area should use the local Sundanese culture for its architectural landscape philosophy.

Girimekar Village, Urban Planning, Sustainable Architecture

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Invisible in Architecture Confront the Green Design
Wanita Subadra Abioso

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Wanita Subadra Abioso

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Abstract. This paper intended to discover how the invisible in architecture in the perspective of behaviour environment, confront the green value in architecture. The invisible in architecture understood as tangible architecture or space, but for some reasons taking place effectively invisible. A cradle–to–grave even a cradle–to–cradle paradigm of green design is still flourishing and many architects still use them, but among many designs still leave the unexpected effectively invisible spaces. The study conducted over and done with literature studies in descriptive manner. The aim of this study enquire the designers beside should keep a cradle–to–grave even a cradle–to–cradle paradigm in action, should be taking into account architectural basic order and spatial order in tremendous way and considering human behaviour in such order, clear function, versatile space, and proximity. This actually can be able to decrease the invisible in architecture. Furthermore, it can be able to reduce even avoid wasting resources, inefficiency, and degradation of the green value. The simple and old theories of architecture if applied in tremendous way, actually can help to overcome the new problems particularly the invisible in architecture in regard with confrontation to the green architecture.

clear function, effectively invisible, green building, proximity, versatiles space

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


level of satisfaction public transports passenger in Bandung city
Mohamad Donie Aulia1, Rudy Max Damara Gugat2

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donie aulia


Public transportation in Bandung includes city transportation (Angkot), Damri bus and Trans Metro Bandung (TMB). The purpose of this study was to see the level of satisfaction of public transport passengers in the city of Bandung. The variables of public transport services used are reliability, comfort, safety, tariff, and travel time. The results showed that respondents were 46.2% satisfied with the comfort of the seating, 93.3% were dissatisfied with the way the driver ran the vehicle, 47.1% were satisfied with the security during the trip, 51.9% were satisfied with the public transportation rates which ranged from Rp. . 3000 - Rp. 5000, 81.7% are less satisfied with the time of travel of public transportation.

public transportation, level of satisfaction,

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Pre-fabricated Material for Modular House
C Dharmawan (a), M Alviano (b*)

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Ayu Novitasyari

Departemen Desain, Universitas Komputer Indonesia,Indonesia

Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

This research identify pre-fabricated materials which aims to save time and cost of making a modular house. Modular housing have a unique system and are certainly fast in the development process, usually a technology that is paid at a high price but an innovation is not always expensive. There are various types of modular home systems, but not all systems are compatible or compatible with climate conditions in Indonesia, but most modular systems are widely used in Indonesia.This research using descriptive analysis methods to explain the people growth in Indonesia, that increasingly very fast so they need more house very fast too, and the next stage is to explain the pre fabrication of materials that are appropriate to the climate in Indonesia. Besides of that this study aims to obtain information on the types of pre-fabricated materials that can be used in the manufacture of modular houses and specifications from pre-fabricated . The results of this study explain that there is a prefabricated material module system in the form of single and double modules which are used in making modular houses, depending on the size and type of house. Therefore this research is useful for architect and developer in choosing modular materials.

industrial modular, housing development, building quality

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Salmon Martana (a)

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Salmon Priaji Martana

(a) Department of Architecture, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Several researchers believe that Pura- a Hindu temple- in Bali is not just merely a place of worship. In Sanskrit that word means a fortress, while several early investigation shows that the pura is sharing several same characteristics with the fortress by design. High fences, small entrance, limited access and also the existence of observation tower was among the characteristics. The aim of this study is to proof that the pura architecture was not something brought from Majapahit, but on the contrary is an architecture built in the land of Bali by the Majapahit priest Danghyang Nirartha, after the fall of Majapahit to be a fortress, to avoid any acts and values came from outside to infiltrate the Hindu culture in Bali. The descriptive analytical method is chosen to bring about any knowledge regarding this issue, while as samples several pura around Denpasar was chosen to represent the pura of southern part of Bali where the architecture is developed in the past. The result of this paper is a description of how the now place of worship can be developed from some thought as a result of political event in the past.

pura, temple, balinese architecture

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Relationship between Enterprise Architectures Planning and Information System
Andi Harapan (a*), Syafwan Iqbal Fauzi (b)

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Syafwan Iqbal Fauzi

a) Departemen Teknik Arsitektur, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

Enterprise architecture planning is a process that defines architectural planning to use information in supporting a business and plans to implement the architecture. The main purpose of this research are to define the benefits of business architectural planning and its relationship with the development of information systems. The method used in this research is descriptive method, descriptive mode is chosen to present accurate subjective or objective views from the situation related. The results of this study explain to us that there is a positive relationship between enterprise architectures planning and information system. This research was completed by discussing it and also by observing that journals that relate enterprise architecture planning with information systems. The conclusion of this study is that enterprise architecture planning is very useful for information systems, especially in terms of developing information systems in the future.

Architecture Planning; Business; Information System

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Simulation of Fuzzy Logic Models to Improve Performance of Isolated Intersection involving Traffic Behaviour
Moch Duddy Studyana, Ade Sjafruddin, Iwan P. Kusumantoro, Yudi Soeharyadi

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Moch. Duddy Studyana

Department of Civil Engineering: Faculty of Civil and Evironmental Engineering. Bandung Institute of Technology


This research developed a fixed time isolated intersection signal system using Fuzzy Logic model, starting from conventional method using Indonesia Highway Capacity Manual 1997 adopted from American Highway Capacity Manual version 2000 and 2010. Fuzzy Logic models provide maximum efficiency and performance in setting traffic lights when compared to conventional methods. Fuzzy Logic model analysis process based on expert system involved numeric and linguistic variables, whereas in conventional method only used numeric variables. The optimization of signal intersection is obtained through a series of combinations of variable analysis of membership function calculation in fuzzy inference and fuzzy rule base processes. Surveys were taken by several samples of intersection in Bandung during April - May 2017, the result of simulation analysis showed that Fuzzy Logic model resulted in an average of green time extension on each approach of 55 % from the existing condition. Simulation is done with rule based control and cycle time at the intersection , the Center of Average (COA) value is obtained as a basis for measuring performance around 20 to 90. Finally there is an increase of 55% in intersection performance with the decreasing number of queues of vehicles, and raising the capacity of vehicles passing through the intersection. It is expected that Fuzzy Logic model can contribute and provide alternative solution at isolated signal intersection in the future.

Fuzzy Logic, Isolated Intersection, Center of Average.

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Social Balances Apartment Design Synergizes The Region To Create Shared Econogmic Identity And Expectations
L Rahmawati (a*) F Faturahman (b)

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Fauzy Fatturahman

a) Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to increase the selling value of apartments, with the concept of social balance that is expected to be made to develop and grow in the environment around them with the power of synergy that will have an identity or characteristic. In this study, the authors used descriptive methods carried out in the literature and descriptive approaches to determine the success of the study, as well as references from previous studies. The results of this study are to make buildings that are not selfish and care for the community, especially those who live in apartments and generally the surrounding community. With the concept of social balance, the synergy between the two who become identities will be created while increasing the value of the apartment because of the value that other apartments do not have.

Social Balance; Apartment Design; Econogmic Identity

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


M Y Nasrulloh

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Muhammad Yasin Nasrulloh

Postgraduate Master Information System, UNIKOM
Jl. Dipatiukur 112-116, 102 Bandung 40132
Phone/Fax. 022-2506637
Mail: pascasarjana[at]

The development of technology will not be separated from human needs in the present era. Information systems are very influential in managing student data for schools or related agencies. Data is the main source for generating information that will be used, in this case data is very useful for knowledge and as a tool help to simplify archiving. The method that will be used in this study uses the Zachman framework architecture. The purpose of this study is to find out the management of student data quickly and accurately and can be expected to help a neatly arranged space, besides that data management can produce an information that can be used by schools, students and related stakeholders in managing data. Frameing Zachman is one of the tools developed to build organizational architecture in many perspectives and aspects on the side (Planner and Owner). From the results of the research obtained analysis of school student data, analysis on the development of information systems using the zachman framework

Information Systems, Data Management, Zachman Framework

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Dr. Andi Harapan

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Andi Harapan

Department of Architecture
Faculty of Engineering and Computer
University of Computer Indonesia

A houses condition in Papua is an interesting phenomenon to be studied. Houses in Papua are built by local people who generally do not have special expertise in carpentry. Joint system used is the transformation from bonded joint that ever existed and used in traditional houses of Papua and nowadays, the trend moves to nail joint. The transition indeed causes some problems. On the basis of set forth background, the objective of this research is to review indigenous bonded joint to improve the physical quality of vernacular houses which are occupied by local people in Papua. Analysis method used is comparison method, this method is done by comparing the houses joint systems through four comparison variables: structure, material, skill and architectural application and then determining the vernacular joint system that still can be maintained, vernacular joint system which requires intervention and vernacular joint system that is not recommended for use anymore. Analysis outcome proved that the traditional bonded joint system is still relevant for use in Papua nowadays. Bonded joint can be used until the public understands the force distribution system, loading and stiffness in the structure and has been able to use the wood joint which complies with the standard.

Traditional joint system, vernacular joint system, structure, material, skill, architectural application

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


The Factors that Affect Collective Action of Farmers Organizations in Rural Areas (Study Location: Karawang)
Selfa Septiani Aulia1 Tubagus Furqon Sofhani2

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Selfa Septiani Aulia

1 Urban and Regional Planning Program, Indonesia Computer University, Bandung, West Java 40132, Corresponding author, email: selfa[at]

2 Research Group of Regional and Rural Planning, School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development, Institute of Technology Bandung, Bandung, West Java 40132,

Much research has been conducted on Gabungan Kelompok Tani (Gapoktan) or Farmers Organizations (FOs) as farmers institutions that perform collective action in the agribusiness from the input process to the processing process. However, previous research has not much explored the factors influencing the emergence of agribusiness collective action in FOs. The limitation of previous research leads to the failure to understand the emerging issues of processes and mechanisms of collective action within FOs. This study aims to uncover the factors that influence the emergence and sustainability of collective action of FOs. Furthermore, this study analyzes the effect of collective action on the increasing economies of scale and efficiency of FOs members. Content analysis method was applied in this research. The case study involved Farmers Organizations located in Kalangsuria Village, Rengasdengklok Sub-district, Karawang Regency.

farmers organizations, gapoktan, agribusiness collective action, rural area

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


The relationships between the characteristics of pedestrian and the increase of facilitation of sidewalk
Tri Widianti Natalia, Tatik Rohmawati

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Tri Natalia

Architecture Department, Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM)

Braga Street has an important role for the development of the Bandung city and presents One Stop Holiday concept in the center of the City, where in the vicinity of the Braga Street, you can visit various tourism destinations, such as shops, tourists, family tours, historical tours with existing building functions. This increases the activity and mobility of pedestrian on Braga Street. Activities and mobility that are sufficiently high are considered to be inadequate with adequate facilities. The facilities provided must be based on characteristics of pedestrians. Therefore, the aim of this research is to know the characteristics of the pedestrians along the Braga route and to see the relationship between the characteristics of the pedestrians with the hope of increasing the pedestrians along the Braga Street in Bandung. Data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by distribution analysis and cluster analysis methods. The results of this research show that the main facilities expected to be improved for the pedestrians along the Braga Street are the availability of park area. Because of along Braga Street does not have a special area for parking, the parking area is limited to the main area.

Keyword: sidewalk, Braga Street, pedestrian

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Travel Pattern Analysis in Cimahi City
Kani Mahardika

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Kani Mahardika

Urban and Regional Planning Departement

Rapid urban development in Cimahi City impact on population growth, employment, economy, infrastructure, industrial areas as well as regional trade and services. This resulted in the movement of people in the Cimahi City becoming high and influencing the high mobility. The higher mobility in a city has implications for increasing travel time and costs. Research on travel pattern analysis in Cimahi City was conducted by household interview and assisted with secondary data related to daily traffic data. The results of this study are the characteristics of the travelling people in Cimahi City and the origin-destination matrix that describes the travel pattern in Cimahi City.

Travel, Origin-Destination

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


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