ICAST 2019 Conference

Effectiveness of Lactobacillus plantarum bacteria in partial hydrolysis of goat bones in producing gelatin
Hasma1, Effendi Abustam2, Ratmawati Malaka2, Muhammad Irfan said2, Nahariah2, Amran Laga3

Hasanuddin University


Effectiveness of Lactobacillus plantarum bacteria in partial hydrolysis of goat bones in producing gelatin Hasma1, Effendi Abustam2, Ratmawati Malaka2, Muhammad Irfan said2, Nahariah2, Amran Laga3 1 Postgraduate Program in Agricultural Sciences, Hasanuddin University 2 Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University 3 Department of Food Science and Technology Faculty of Agricultural Science, Hasanuddin University Email: hasma_abbas@pasca.unhas.ac.id Abstract. Gelatin is obtained from several stages, at the initial stage it is done immersion using an acid solution in the hope that the goats bones can be partially hydrolyzed, the bone connective tissue becomes loose so that the gelatin can be easily extracted. Partial hodrolisa in goat bones using chemical acids has been widely done but using biological acids with the utilization of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) Lactobacillus plantarum is still very rarely done. To be able to produce lactic acid as a curing material in bone, bacteria need to grow well in the medium. The material used is L. plantarum 1UHCC, Ettawah Peranakan male goat bone obtained from the same farm. This study is preliminary information to determine the ability to grow L. plantarum bacteria in goat bones with indicators of lactic acid levels, pH, total bacteria, and total protein, which are formed with different immersion times. This study uses a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) pattern of 3x3 with a treatment time of fermentation 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours. Each treatment was repeated 3 times and analyzed statistically using ANOVA and continued with the DUNCAN test. The results showed that there was a very significant effect (P <0.01) between the fermentation time of 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours with lactic acid, pH, total bacteria, dissolved protein. Lactic acid at 24 hour fermentation time 0.954 ± 0.001% decreased at 48 hours 0.821 ± 0.092% then showed an increase at 72 hours 0.942 ± 0.002%. The 24-hour pH value 5,413 ± 0.015 then increased at 48 hours 6,600 ± 0.044; and decreased at 72 hours 6,303 ± 0.266. Total bacterial values showed an increase in fermentation time of 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours respectively 8,248 ± 0.196 log10CFU / mL; 9,475 ± 0,274 log10CFU / mL; 9666 ± 0.236log10CFU / mL. The value of dissolved protein showed an increase of 31,170 ± 0.120 mg / mL; 31,183 ± 0.101 mg / mL; 32,707 ± 0.115mg / mL. 72 hours fermentation time showed better quality of partial hydrolysis in goat bones Efektivitas bakteri Lactobacillus plantarum dalam hisrolisa parsial tulang kambing dalam menghasilkan gelatin Hasma1, Effendi Abustam2,Ratmawati Malaka2, Muhammad Irfan said2, Nahariah2, Amran Laga3 1Postgraduate Program in Agricultural Sciences, Hasanuddin University 2 Departemen of Animal Production, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University 3 Departemen of Food Science and Technology Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University

Keywords: Lactobacillus plantarum, goat bones, gelatin

Topic: Animal waste and environmental technology

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/4ZMUbEmgyjfx

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