MSCEIS 2019 Conference

Teaching Fraction with Multiple Representations
S Widodo; T Ikhwanudin

1Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

2PPPPTK TK dan PLB, Jl. Dr. Cipto No. 9, Bandung 40171, Indonesia


This research aims to analyze students- understanding when fraction is taught with multiple representations. The respondent 27 student of the 7th graders in the junior high school. The research approach was qualitative. The data were collected through paper and pencil measure, observation, and interview. The data were analyzed by grounded theory with coding and constant comparison. The results showed two types of students- understanding, there are procedural understanding (syntax thinking) and conceptual understanding (semantic thinking). The findings are then elaborated using some related theories to justify the results

Keywords: Fraction, Multiple representation

Topic: Mathematics Education


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