Strategy for Developing a Cultural Tourism Area in Soppeng Regency
Khusnul Khatimah M (a*), Sitti Bulkis (b*), Muh.Hatta Jamil (b**)
a) Mahasiswa Program Studi Perencanaan Pengembangan Wilayah, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar
b) Dept. Teknologi Pertanian Fak. Pertanian, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar *bulkisd[at]
The management of cultural heritage areas as cultural tourism areas in Soppeng Regency have not been optimal, one of them caused by a lack of information about the potential and constraints of its development. This study aims to analyze the potential of the cultural tourism area and to develop a strategy for developing the area of cultural tourism in the Soppeng Regency. The analytical methods used were descriptive and spatial analysis to identify cultural tourism areas. IFAS-EFAS and SWOT analysis were used to determine the factors that influenced regional development and developed a strategy for development of cultural tourism areas in Soppeng Regency. The results show that the potential of cultural areas in Soppeng Regency consists of 6 tourism objects with high potential categories, 13 cultural tourism objects with moderate potential categories, and 10 cultural tourism objects with low potential categories. The characteristics of visitors to the cultural tourism area are the majority from within the South Sulawesi Province; Their types of educations are students and academicians from universities; Their occupations are students and employees; Their choice of transportation is with private property; and Motivation of the main visits are recreation and research. The plan to develop a cultural tourism area is directed in the form of a Cultural Tourism Zone Unit (SKWB). There are 4 SKWB namely SKWB I ( 9 cultural tourism objects), SKWB II (2 cultural tourism objects), SKWB III (12 cultural tourism objects), and SKWB IV (6 cultural tourism objects). The main strategies for the development of cultural tourism areas in Soppeng Regency are to increase the active participation of the community in preserving cultural heritage and developing cultural tourism, establishing regulations for protecting cultural heritage, increasing the competitiveness of cultural tourism potentials, and establishing priority areas for cultural tourism development.
Keywords: cultural heritage, tourism potential, cultural tourism
Topic: Urban & Transportation Sustainability