AISTEEL 2019 Conference

The Effect of Inquiry Learning Model on Students Science Process Skills
Siska Evriani Depari, Hasruddin, Wawan Bunawan



Inquiry models are commonly used to assess students problem solving and discovery abilities. However, there are several resistance to Inquiry syntax that can improve students science process skills. The purpose of this study was to determine the Inquiry model of students science process skills. This study is a quasi experimental research using samplings technique, where IVA class as experimental class I, IVB II as experimental class II, and IVC as control class. Data analysis techniques using covariate analysis (ANACOVA) using by SPSS 23.0 for windows applications and data collection using multiple choice test. Based on hypothesis test with P <0.05 then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted where this means there is significant influence on the application of model Inquiry with average value is 88.20. Its means that Guide Inquiry more positively than Modified Inquiry 77.20, and Direct instruction model (average value 70.60) to the students science process skill.

Keywords: Inquiry Learning, Direct Instruction, Science Process Skill

Topic: Curriculum, Research and Development


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