MSAT 2019 Conference

Cost and Revenue Analysis of Palabuhanratu Handline Tuna Fishery
Ignatius Tri Hargiyatno (a), Moh. Natsir (b), Regi Fiji Anggawangsa (c), Wudianto (d)

Center for Fisheries Research, Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research and Human Resources, MMAF


Handline tuna fisheries in Palabuhanratu have developed since 2004 and categorized as small-scale fisheries. Economic sustainability is one of the objectives of the handline tuna operation. This paper aims to analyze the cost and revenues of tuna fishing resources by using a handline in Palabuhanratu. The results indicate the handline catch rate has increased from the years 2012-2014 with an average 657kg / trip. The investment cost of handline tuna fishing operation is $19,792.86,-, with depreciation charge of $5,525.00,-/year, maintenance cost amount $2,589.29,-/year and operational cost of $16,222,-/year. The revenue from the fishing business is $44,057,-/year. The business profit amount USD $ 301,-/trip or USD $ 7,217,-/year. Based on investment analysis the value of R / C = 1,32, PP = 1,86, NPV = $ 24,528.27,-, B/C = 5,27 and IRR = 119%, where it shows that fishing is profitable, with a relatively quick payback and sustainable.

Keywords: Cost, Revenue, handline, tuna, Palabuhanratu

Topic: Marine Resources, Conversation and ICZM


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