Utilization of Economic Fertilizer and Ketapang Leaf Extracts to Reduce Phosphate Levels in Domestic Waste
Pangeran Boulchiah Ilham (a*), Nursiah La Nafie (b*), Prastawa Budi (b**)
a) Bagian Program Studi Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Hasanuddin
b) Departemen Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Hasanuddin *nunungl[at]yahoo.com
Utilization of Hyacinth and Ketapang Leaf Extract to Reduce Phosphate Levels in Domestic Waste. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the combination of water hyacinth and ketapang leaf extract in reducing phosphate levels in household wastewater, and determine the optimal time that can be generated of the use of a combination of water hyacinth and ketapang leaf extract. The approach of this research is an experimental study which aims to treat domestic phosphate-containing wastewater, using small-scale wastewater installations with a simple process for the treatment of waste produced from households. The results of this study showed that the combination of water hyacinth and ketapang leaf extract effectively had a significant effect in reducing the value of phosphate content in wastewater. While the optimal residence time in this study was obtained a decrease in phosphate levels using a combination of water hyacinth and ketapang leaf extract occurred on the 18th day.
Keywords: Phosphate, Domestic Waste, Ketapang Leaf Extract, Hyacinth Hyacinth.
Topic: Agriculture system