FMI 2019 Conference

Pengaruh Kesadaran Merek dan Asosiasi Merek Terhadap Kepercayaan Merek Serta Dampaknya Pada Loyalitas Merek Kedai Lakuna Kopi
Ryan Rohman Alamsyah 1) Siti Nurjanah 2)

Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Kalbis


The purpose of the study is to analyse the influence of brand awareness and brand associations on brand Trust and its impact on brand loyalty.The object of this research is Kedai Lakuna Coffee, Bekasi. This study discusses the dimensions included in the research variables that are then examined to determine the influence between variables and the intended object.The method used in this research is a quantitative method with the number of samples as much as 120 respondents.Data obtained through the distribution of questionnaires using the Google Form are then processed using the gauge SPSS version 24.The technique used in this study is purposive sampling which is part of the non-probability sampling. Based on data analysis results with T-tests, multiple linear regression analyses and determination tests show that brand awareness has no effect on brand trust, brand associations impact on brand trust and Brand Trust has an effect on brand loyalty.

Keywords: brand awareness, brand associations, brand trust, and brand loyalty

Topic: Manajemen Pemasaran


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