ICISER 2019 Conference

The perception of brand association of celebrity endorser in marketplace company: Case study of BlackPink to Shopee users
Eliestya Rakhmanda (a*), Dr Firman Kurniawan (b)

a) Student in Master of Communication Management, University of Indonesia

b) Lecture in Master of Communication Management, University of Indonesia


When companies market their products, they usually use celebrity as a endorser. Their fame can attract attention from public. The credibility of celebrity is associated with the company generally. One of e-commerce company, Shopee, become relatable to BlackPink as their endorser in their users mind. The purpose of this research is to seek how the perception of consumer of Shopee toward brand association which is owned from their endorser. Then, the research method used a qualitative approach by doing in-depth interviews with two Shopee users with different criteria. The results of this study will show the perception of brand association inherent in Blackpink as a celebrity endorser Shopee in their users mind. Hereafter, the results can be used for marketers to find out which kind of user that their mind can successfully associate the brand through the celebrity endorser. So, it will produce brand association as desired by marketers in the minds of its target audience.

Keywords: perception, brand association, celebrity endorser, e-commerce

Topic: What are the topics?

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/VBCDyZX62Pkw

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