GIESED 2019 Conference

Healthy Archypelagos Program and Youth in Rongkong Sub-District of North Luwu District
Muh Tasbih Ahdal (a*), Ahmad Munir (b*), Muslim Salam (c*)

a) Perencanaan Pengembangan Wilayah/Manajemen Kepemimpinan Pemuda
b) Departemen Teknologi Pertanian,Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Hasanuddin
c) Departemen Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian,Fakultas *Muslimsal[at]


The direction of health development goals is to increase the reach and equal distribution of quality health services for people in remote border and archipelago areas, especially in public health centers with remote and border areas. Therefore the government makes regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 16 of 2017 concerning Special Staff assignments health in supporting the Healthy Nusantara Program. This study used research with the Grounded theory approach. A qualitative approach was used as an effort by researchers to be able to understand the social phenomena that occur in Rongkong Subdistrict. The results show that the health service activities in Rongkong Subdistrict carried out by Nusantara Sehat youth health workers are strengthening basic health care programs, it is divided into the first two types of programs namely the Individual Health Efforts and Public Health Efforts. In the program there are several innovation programs that have not previously been carried out in Rongkong sub-district such as USILA Posyandu, BATRA program and Adolescent health counseling for prevention of MIRAS and drugs in schools. The focus of the Nusantara Sehat staff is on the Maternal and Child Health and Family Planning Program. There has not been any special participation of local youth in the Nusantara Sehat program in Rongkong District. local youth participation is limited to energy assistance, without the participation of thoughts or ideas on how health services themselves can be carried out according to achievements.

Keywords: Health Services, Innovation Programs, remote areas, Youth, Maternal and Child Health

Topic: Health and Risk


Web Format | Corresponding Author (Fadhilah Trya Wulandari)