BIS 2019 Conference

Ratu Fathia (a), Sri Daryant(b)*, Ira Iriyanty(c)

(a) Islamic Business, Management Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia, Depok, 16424, Indonesia.
(b) Management Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia, Depok, 16424, Indonesia.
(c) Management Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia, Depok, 16424, Indonesia.

Email: sri.daryanti[at], Ratuadhawiyahasni[at], i.iriyanty[at]


Corporate Social Marketing (CSM) has long been used as one of the marketing strategies by government institutions and non-profit organizations, these concepts have recently been extended to the corporate context where CSM is used in the marketing strategy of their CSR. By using CSM, companies can influence consumer behavior in terms of social and business benefits, but unfortunately, there are still not many studies that examine deeper about CSM, so in this study researchers chose PT. Paragon Technology and Innovation as a company that uses CSM strategy to intending to investigate the effectiveness of CSM marketing strategies and their effect on loyalty and prosocial behavior on consumers. The method used in this study is to distribute questionnaires to 265 Muslim consumers in Indonesia and the data is processed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method in Lisrel 8.8 software. The results showed that the CSM strategy had a positive influence on prosocial behavior and consumer loyalty to the PTI Paragon brand.

Keywords: Muslim consumers, Corporate social marketing; Corporate credibility; Customer loyalty, Prosocial behavior; Value congruence

Topic: Religious Studies


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