BIS 2019 Conference

Yetty Setiyaningsih.

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kota Magelang


Considering the development of bureaucratic performance towards the industrial era 4.0, various lines in the bureaucracy should be able to foster a culture of innovation as a breakthrough in realizing a series in a "good governance" system. Especially for Street Level Bureaucracy (SLB) as a bureaucracy that is in direct contact with the community, discretion as a breakthrough innovation is absolutely necessary to realize the bureaucrats as servants of the community, not as masters. Awareness as a public servant needs to be emphasized and echoed as an attitude for the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), as a bureaucrat. This positive attitude is expected to be a prelude to the climate and productive work culture and be able to encourage a discretion in various bureaucratic lines, especially for SLB. Productive and quality human resources that are selected are absolute criteria for ASN so as to be able to create innovation, as a new breakthrough in community service.

Keywords: Discretion, Street Level Bureaucracy

Topic: Government Studies


Web Format | Corresponding Author (Mohammad Zaenal Arifin)