SoRes 2019 Conference

Shopping Experience and Form the Impressions to Improve Brand Awareness
Johan Faladhin, Dewi Martina

Public Relations Study Program
Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau
Pekanbaru, Indonesia


This research discusses about how an impression of a mall can be formed from an individual shopping experience. As does the visitor of SKA Mall in Pekanbaru who do shopping can feel the experience with some impression as a result. First impression of a consumer will affect their perception of the next judgment in terms of choosing and determining the reason for their purchase, looking for something different, price considerations, interest in an item, and trust in a brand. Through these values of impression can help the brand to improve their brand awareness. The problem was the tenants are more recognized by the consumer than the mall itself. This research uses descriptive qualitative method by aligning the AIDA brand awareness marketing model and the relevance factor of the consumer behavior process. The result was impression can be form by the motivation, perception, attitude formation and integration from the consumer and it will build the brand equity including satisfaction and loyalty that is unconsciously formed in the mind of the consumer. The improvement of brand awareness of mall SKA will be more effective if they do some adjustment to their physical evidence, situation/ambience, lights, and other supporting facilities. These adjustments are necessary to keep the consumer from their competitor.

Keywords: Shopping, Experience, Impression, Brand, Awareness

Topic: Communication


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