GIESED 2019 Conference

The Slaughter Control on the Productive Cows on Animal Health Division in Food Security, Animal Husbandry, and Animal Health Service in Merauke Regency
a) Maro Sasmitoady Rianto (a*), Eymal Bahsar Demmallino (b*), Amidah Amrawaty (c*)

a) Dinas Ketahanan pangan, Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan Kabupaten Merauke
b) Program Studi Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Hasanuddin
c) Program Studi Sosial Ekonomi Peternakan, Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Hasanuddin


One of the factors inhibiting the rate of increase in the cattle population of Merauke is cutting productive cows were higher as a result of the pressure to meet the demand for meat. This study aimed (1 ) to identify the factors driving the slauther of productive female cows; (2) to identify the roles and steps taken by the Animal Health Sector; (3) to reveal the alternative steps which could be done in order tooptimize the control on the slauthering the female productive cows. The research used the qualitative approach and the research type was a case study, used the model data analysis of Miles and Huberman. The research results indicated that the role of Animal Health Division had been focused on the role of the apparatus to carry out coaching and socialization to butchers, to improve the capacity of the Human Resources or the personnel, to supervise the cows slaughtered either within or outside of slaughter house, to monitor the livestock traffics, and to handle the violations. The steps which had been taken were to implement the insentive activities and to safe the productive female cows to support the activities of UPSUS SIWAB and to follow up the cooperation agreement with the Director General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health and with the National Police. The factors driving the slaughter of productive cows were the still very low economy of farmers and butchers, the low awareness of farmers about the importance keeping productive cows, high demand for meat, cheap prices of cows, lack of supporting facilities, and many violations by slaughtering cattle outside slaughter house. The alternative measures which could be taken were to conduct socialization to the farmers and village officials, to encourage the farmers to develop other livestock, to review the local regulations on transferring the productive female cattle, to continue the incentive activities for the pregnant cattle, to build livestock traffic posts to form an integrated team, and to implement the law enforcement, and to encourage the local beef markets by importing frozen beef policy.

Keywords: slaughter control, productive cows, Animal Health Division

Topic: Agriculture system


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