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Abstract Topic: Information Systems Technology

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Application Development of Website Content Filling in the Information Technology Department of State Polytechnic of Malang
Dwi Puspitasari (*a), Agung N. Pramudhita (a), Ulla Delfana Rosiani (a), Tiani Khusnul Rahmawati(a)

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Agung Nugroho Pramudhita

Department of Information Technology,
State Polytechnic of Malang

The website is a communication tool that is used as an intermediary to share the latest news. The website of the Information Technology Department - Malang State Polytechnic (JTI-Polinema) is also a means of communication to share the latest activities and information about JTI. From January 2018 to November 2018, the news uploaded is only six content. This is not proportional to the number of activities available at the JTI. This is because there is only one type of user, the admin who can fill the website content. And the admin does not always know the activities in the information technology department. This study aims to develop an application to fill the website content of the Information Technology Department in state polytechnic Malang-s website by adding one more type of user, namely students and also make the interface look better and easy to use. This application allows students to upload articles about departmental activities, competitions, workshops and other information they know. The Development of this application uses Kanban which is one of the lean software development methods (lean method). Based on validation testing this application is able to meet all the main functional requirements. while the usability test results based on usefulness, ease of use, ease to learn and satisfaction shows a high average value of 85%, it can be concluded that this application is acceptable and easy to use

website content; kanban; JTI

Information Systems Technology


Cahya Rahmad, Mungki Astiningrum, Adnin Diba Purnomo

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Adnin Diba Purnomo

Informatics Engineering, Information Technology, Polytechnic State of Malang

In the medical, kidney function from an early age is something that cannot be underestimated. Special attention needed for this. In determining the function of organs can be seen through organs in which can be seen in the iris. Through the iris, a specialist can determine ones organic function asking for some other supporting data. The steps in this study are analyzing needs, designing systems and implementation. In making this program a backpropogation classification was conducted to classify iris with normal, acute and chronic kidney function. A person is identified with normal kidney function if his iris is regularly patterned, while for acute and chronic can be identified if the iris is irregular and has a deeper basin than people who have normal kidney function. The results of this study identified and classified kidney organ function based on the iris to determine normal, acute and chronic kidney.

health, kidneys, iris, backpropogation

Information Systems Technology


Automatically Collect Alumni Data on Social Media
Cahya Rahmad, Rudy Ariyanto, Arie Rachmad Syulistyo

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Arie Rachmad Syulistyo

Politeknik Negeri Malang

Tracer studies are useful for universities, institutes, and academies, as well as scholarship providers such as government, companies, and institution. Tracer studies are used to track alumni which can be used to measure the relevance of objectives, educational processes and curriculum in accordance with current alumni conditions. However, the tracer study has several obstacles in the distribution process to reach out and make alumni willing to spare their time for filling the tracer studies. This study aims to overcome this problem by gathering the information needed from social media such as workplaces and professions. The results of this study will be applied to the Malang State Polytechnic Information Technology Department.

tracer studies, media social,

Information Systems Technology


Comparing Method Equivalence Class Partitioning and Boundary Value Analysis with Study Case Add Medicine Module
I Gede Sugita Aryandana, Adhistya Erna Permanasari, Teguh Bharata Adji

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I Gede Sugita Aryandana

Gadjah Mada University

Software Testing is helpful to alleviate the developers- task in improving the system. But in doing software testing, there are problems faced by developers, including information that become a benchmark in the feasibility of software testing. Many factors are used to obtain information or benchmarks. These factors can include line code, program structure, business processes and the time used in conducting trials. A test case is needed to ensure one of the two testing processes. The first is to make sure the data type of the entered data. The method of this process is called Equivalence Class Partitioning (ECP). The second is ensuring the lower bound value, the middle bound value, and the upper limit value of the number of strings as inputs of a system module. The method of this process is called Boundary Value Analysis (BVA). The purpose of this study is to compare the ECP and BVA methods. The expected result of this study is to find out the best method between ECP or BVA. Comparison of calculations using standard matrix testing. This study uses 5 parameters as benchmarks. Based on this study, the ECP method is superior to BVA with 5 parameters used as benchmarks.

software testing, equivalence class partitioning, boundary value analysis

Information Systems Technology


Dwi Puspitasari(a),Indra Dharma Wijaya(b), Mustika Mentari(c*)

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Mustika Mentari

a,b,c) Departement of Information Technology, Politeknik Negeri Malang

Each year the study program carries out activities that have been planned through departmental meetings. However, study program activities that are not on target will result in less accreditation scores. Accreditation is a government effort to guarantee the quality of educational institutions. The value of accreditation determines the main assets in the field of education, the quality of study programs and the feasibility of graduates. Therefore, this study tries to provide a ranking formula for study program activities based on the assessment of study program accreditation forms. The system is built using one of type multi-criteria decision making (MCDM), namely the Preference Selection Index (PSI). PSI method using statistical concepts until preference index as a reference for alternative ranking This developed system can help the department to recommend the main activities that can be done to support the efforts of the study program in achieving optimal accreditation values. Finally, it was concluded that the PSI method is the right method for problems that require decision support with a large number of attributes, such as the criteria used in recommendations for study program activities that have been adapted to the study program accreditation form assessment matrix.

Study Program Activities, Study Program Accreditation, ,Ranking, Preference Selection Index, MCDM

Information Systems Technology


Developing a Social-Media Based Chatbot For English Learning
Moechammad Sarosa(1), Mila Kusumawardani(1), Achmad Suyono(1), Mokhammad Hadi Wijaya(2)

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Corresponding Author
Mila Kusumawardani

(1)Politeknik Negeri Malang
(2)SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra Malang

The increasing number of foreign companies offering job vacancies in Indonesia is a blessing for new graduates. However, they could not use the opportunity due to their limited English skill. This condition may occur because there is a lack of human resource providing direct, gradual, and continuous assistance to improve their English skills. Nowadays, social media are very popular among various groups of people but they are mostly used for information exchanges. This study aims to develop an application inside Facebook as an English learning media to help students learn English more efficiently. This application is in the form of a chatbot (an answering robot) as a substitute for a teacher to help those who have difficulties in learning English. The chatbot integrated in the social media is expected to provide an easier adoption as the users are already familiar with its interface and navigation. This application has been applied to students of Telkom Vocational High School Malang and D3 English Study Program, State Polytechnic of Malang. With this application, students can learn English independently and utilize a rich collection of information and organized exercise items to get help or find more challenges whenever needed to avoid learning boredom

chatbot; Facebook; English learning media

Information Systems Technology


Dynamic Simulation Model of Salt Supply Chain to Increase Farmer Income
Isnaini Muhandhis; Heri Susanto; Ully Asfari

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Isnaini Muhandhis

Universitas Wijaya Putra

The average national salt production is around 2.5 million tons per year has not been able to meet domestic salt demands. One of the factors that caused this was the low incentives received by farmers so that farmers were reluctant to carry out production in the following year. As the main actor in the national salt industry, farmer-s welfare needs to be considered to ensure the sustainability of national salt production. This study aims to develop a dynamic model of the salt supply chain by identifying internal and external factors that influence the system. We use system dynamic methods because this framework has the ability to model nonlinear equations among variables and can represent feedbacks loop relationships. From the basemodel simulation results, we developed several scenarios that we can use to improve the welfare of salt farmers and eventually increasing salt production in a sustainable manner. From those scenarios, we found that by using the scenario of land intensification with annual salt production technology, farmer-s profits could be increased up to Rp 25,839,900 per ha per season at the end of the simulation in 2031.

salt, supply chain, scenario, simulation, system dynamic

Information Systems Technology


Effect of the implementation of E-cooperatives at the processing speed, ease of operation , and cost efficiency: A case study in Citra Polinema Cooperative
Deddy Kusbianto Purwokoaji, Cahya Rahmat, Mungki Astiningrum

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Deddy Kusbianto Purwokoaji


The 4.0 Industrial Revolution in Indonesia has been impossible to avoid, and in the case of facing the 5.0 community emphasizing the Prime service of five-star equivalent, it is necessary and important to immediately implement the information system and Information technology to Indonesian people in general, as well as cooperative members of Citra Polinema in particular, so that TOP-DOWN-based government policies can be accelerated by matching them using the BOTTOM-UP approach. The general method of this research is the study of libraries, design and analysis systems as well as empirical research for functional testing and user testing to manifest "Effect of the implementation of E-cooperatives at the processing speed, ease of operation , and cost efficiency: A case study in Citra Polinema Cooperative". The output is declared reached when visitation is with the completion of the E-cooperative application that will be researched, the data of research results is utilized in accordance with the stipulated and expected to be a pilot project for cooperatives and SMES Related research.

e-cooperative, the information system, Information technology, design and analysis systems

Information Systems Technology


Electricity voltage decision support system with naive bayes method to improve company reputation (case study at PT. PLN Malang)
Fullchis Nurtjahjani, Raden Sugeng Basuki, Joni Dwi Pribadi, Kadek Suarjuna Batubulan, Satrio Binusa Suryadi, Hidayati Mazmi, Adinda Dwi Larasati

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kadek suarjuna

politeknik negeri malang

Currently there are still many customers with 900 Volt Ampere (VA) Power which is categorized as capable households (RTM). As the result, the electricity tariff that must be paid by 900 VA Power customers climb up to Rp 1,352.00 / Kilo Watt Hours (KWH). The proportion of electricity subsidies to central government spending is increase from 2.5% in 2005 to 4.7% in the 2012 according to State Budget. The average electricity subsidy spends around 7% of the central government budget. This condition shows that electricity subsidies are adequate to burden the central government budget. (Bureau of Budget Analysis and APBN-Sekjen RI-RI Implementation). Problems in PT PLN have uncertain impact on the subsidy budget and inefficiencies in PT PLN require comprehensive solutions. In implementing the electricity subsidy distribution program that is right on target and can help the performance of PT. PLN is on duty, so a new breakthrough is needed based on technological advances in the world, namely new data collection and re-data collection for consumers by bringing data that has been determined by PT PLN as supporting data. So that the consumer support data will be tested with a system has made to determine that the consumer deserves a subsidy or not. In order to find a solution on subsidies that are right on target, in its application can seek solutions to problem solving through the application of the Naive Bayes method. Based on the results of the research, an intelligent system is found to help determine consumers who get subsidized and non-subsidized electricity rates with the right target and this system can also increase accuracy in determining consumers with appropriate electricity subsidy rates for PT PLN admin.

Keywords: Subsidies and Naive Bayes.

Information Systems Technology


Evaluation of usability on the software On Expert Systems For Core Competency Detection and PAI Student Learning Achievement
Supriyono(*a), Sutiah(b), Indah Aminatuz Zuhriyah(c), Zainul Arifin(d)

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Supriyono Supriyono

(a)Informatics Engineering Department
Faculty of Science and Technology Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
(b,c)Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Training Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Maulana Malik IbrahimMalang
(d)Psicology Department
Faculty of Psicology Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Maulana Malik IbrahimMalang

Software development On Expert Systems For Core Competency Detection and PAI Student Learning Achievement is a very important thing to do the evaluation in the section of usability. ISO 9126 is a standard software quality assurance measures. The basic idea is to define and evaluate the product software to know the internal quality and external quality. The characteristic used in this research is using the approach of usability methods. The usability of the software that is produced by the examination in detail is then obtained quite good results. The results obtained indicate the usability level in the software evaluation reached 95%. Software development On Expert Systems For Core Competency Detection and PAI Student Learning Achievement is a very important thing to do the evaluation in the section of usability. ISO 9126 is a standard software quality assurance measures. The basic idea is to define and evaluate the product software to know the internal quality and external quality. The characteristic used in this research is using the approach of usability methods. The usability of the software that is produced by the examination in detail is then obtained quite good results. The results obtained indicate the usability level in the software evaluation reached 95%.

Software developmen;ISO 9126;Usability

Information Systems Technology


Forecasting the Number of Politeknik Negeri Malang New Students Enrollment Using Single Exponential Smoothing Method
Eka Larasati Amalia, Dimas Wahyu Wibowo , Farida Ulfa, Deasy Sandhya Elya Ikawati

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Eka Larasati Amalia

Malang State Polytechnic

Forecasting the number of new student enrollments at Politeknik Negeri Malang offers the campus a good help to discover new innovations and good marketing strategies. Besides, it can be used as a reference in planning the teaching and learning process. This study used the Single Exponential Smoothing method as a forecasting method. Forecasting accuracy uses Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD), Mean Square Error (MSE), and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). Based on the calculation results, the smoothing constant result is α = 0.9 which means it has the smallest error values for the three forecasting accuracy calculation methods.

forecasting, registration, students, single exponential smoothing

Information Systems Technology


GIS for Coffee Shops Classification and Routing by Using Naive Bayes Method
Erfan Rohadi (a), Amalia Amalia (b*), Johan Diaz Bagaskara (a), Budi Harijanto (a), Supriatna Adhisuwignjo (b)

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Corresponding Author
Amalia Amalia

a) Information Technology Department, State Polytechnic of Malang
b) Electrical Engineering Department, State Polytechnic of Malang
Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 9 Malang 65141, Indonesia

In recent years, the number of coffee shops has grown rapidly in an educational city. Malang as one of the educational cities has numerous coffee shops whose locations spread in various places. This condition makes the consumers having trouble to find the place that meets with their needs of the price and comfort level. In this works, the Geographical Information System of Coffee Shop Business Classification in Malang based on criteria is proposed. This system can classify coffee shop data according to the consumer desires using the Naive Bayes method. Users simply provide a choice of price criteria and desired level of comfort on this website-based system. The classification results are used to make it easier for users to obtain information, both the map of locations and the route to reach the coffee shops that meet the criteria expected by the user. Based on the testing that has been done 100% of users stated that they could find a coffee shop according to the desired criteria and 85% of users stated that the information and location of the coffee shop they got were very useful. As a result, the system promises as the application in determining the selection of coffee shops corresponds to the consumer criteria.

Geographic Information Sistem (GIS); Naive Bayes; Criteria; Coffee Shop; Malang

Information Systems Technology


Implementation Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Algorithm for Monitoring and Assessing The Students Attitudes at SMK Negeri 2 Singosari
Adelia Rokhmawati (a), Deina Amanda Amivisca (b), Heru Wahyu Herwanto (c), Utomo Pujianto (d)

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Corresponding Author
Deina Amanda Amivisca

Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Negeri Malang.
Jalan Semarang No. 5, Malang, Indonesia.
a) adeliarohma[at]
b) deinaamivisca[at]
c) heru_wh[at]
d) utomo.pujianto.ft[at]

Attitudes assessment is one of the aspects of the assessment in Curriculum of 2013 or the K13. In order to assess the students attitudes in Curriculum 2013, a set of new rules has been implemented by Vice Principal for student affairs of SMK Negeri 2 Singosari in academic year 2017/2018. This is applied by having the students achievement books called Buku Prestasi Peserta Didik to monitor both their academic and non-academic activities. It is in the form of the students printed handbook. Both filling in the books and calculating the points that the students obtain are still done manually. Consequently, this manual process takes long time and arises some problems. Therefore, a solution to overcome these problems is needed. A possible solution to entering data accomplishments or violations committed by the students, monitoring the students attitudes both inside and outside their classrooms and calculating the results of end points they earn that will become the basis of the ranking points of their attitudes. This research aims at developing an Application for Monitoring and Assessing The Students Attitudes. The application was developed using a Waterfall Model consisting of four steps: (1) Analyze, (2) Design, (3) Code, and (4) Test. The application also implements the algorithms Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) for the process of ranking points the students attitudes of one class. In addition to developing products, product feasibility testing process was conducted to find out the level of validity and feasibility of the product to be applied in SMK Negeri 2 Singosari. Testing conducted by expert information systems and was based on the results from testing the functionality of the information system that obtained an average percentage of trial results functionality of 100%. Then testing was conducted by users at every level of user. Based on the results of the testing by users, it obtained an average percentage of trial results functionality of 99.88% and the average percentage of the results of the usability of 92.21%. Thus, this implies that this application was rated as excellent that can be used in SMK Negeri 2 Singosari as application for monitoring and assessing the students attitudes.

Application for Monitoring and Assessing The Students Attitudes; Ranking Points; Simple Additive Weighting; Waterfall

Information Systems Technology


OCR and LSTM Neural Network Performance for Classification of Book Subjects Based On The Title
Yesy Diah Rosita (a*), Yanuarini Nur Sukmaningtyas (b)

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Yesy Diah Rosita

a) Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Islam Majapahit.
Jln. Raya Jabon KM 0.7, Mojokerto, 61364
b) Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Islam Majapahit.
Jln. Raya Jabon KM 0.7, Mojokerto, 61364

Librarians classify the book using Decimal Dewey Classification (DDC) System. It is the system for cataloging and indexing of books that have 3 divisions, a ten, a hundred, and a thousand. Each division reflects the book subject. Mostly, librarians only read the book title by reason of it represents the book contents. Then, they search the index of it in the DDC system. However, the process will need extra time. Efficiently, Optical Character Recognition can assist the librarians to convert the image of the book cover into text-editable for getting the book title. For pre-processing, the text will be changed to lowercase, removed the useless words, and tokenized. Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Neural Network is almost used for text classification research. Its performance has been accurate until more than 85% in this research. Librarians only scan the book cover using a web camera and obtain the information of the book index.

classification; library; lstm; ocr; text

Information Systems Technology


Passenger Volume Forecasting Information System for PT. KAI Daop 2 Bandung using Double Exponential Smoothing Method
Eka Larasati Amalia, Budi Harijanto, Dimas Wahyu Wibowo, Agus Santoso

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Eka Larasati Amalia

Malang state polytechnic

Daop 2 Bandung is one of the Indonesian railroad operations areas, under the administration of PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero). Daop 2 Bandung is currently experiencing a problem in predicting the number of passenger volumes. It is common for railway transportation services to experience passengers flows that increases or decreases in the volume which in turn causes the service of the PT. KAI becomes less optimum. Therefore, a forecasting information system is needed to forecast the volume of train passengers in the upcoming period. This study applied Double Exponential Smoothing method as a forecasting method. The data used is the number of passenger volume data for two periods, i.e. 2017 and 2018 periods. For forecasting accuracy, PE (Percentage Error) and MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error) were used. The passenger volume forecasting results on the Executive Class category shows 946,824 with an error percentage of 11.9962%, the Business Class category shows 221,188 results with an error percentage of 21.6714%, and the Economy Class category shows 5,144,074 with an error percentage of 10.4366%

Forecasting, Passenger, Double Exponential Smoothing

Information Systems Technology


Performance Analysis of Proxmox VE Firewall for Network Security in Cloud Computing Server Implementation
Yuri Ariyanto, Budi Harijanto, Sofyan Noor Arief, Vipkas Al Hadid Firdaus

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Yuri Ariyanto

State Polytechnic Of Malang

Virtualization server uses the hypervisor technology in its implementation. Hypervisor is one of the virtualization techniques. Where this technique runs several operating systems together in one host. Cloud computing is a combination of the use of internet-based computer technology. The Open source Proxmox VE (Virtual Environment) is a virtual machine operating system. Where virtual machines are built from the Debian Linux operating system, with the modified RHEL kernel. A firewall is a system designed to prevent attacks on the network. Firewalls can be software or hardware that filters network traffic. Proxmox VE Firewall provides a way to protect network infrastructure. In Proxmox VE firewall allows setting rules for all hosts in a cluster or for virtual machines. In this study, the performance of the firewall from the server virtualization using ProxmoxVE will be examined. This study is intended to determine the performance of the firewall default from Proxmox VE. Firewall testing is done by creating filtering rules in the Proxmox VE cloud server. The results of this study will provide an analysis of the performance of the Proxmox VE firewall that runs on cloud servers.

Virtualization, Cloud Computing, ProxmoxVE, Firewall, Iptables

Information Systems Technology


SIBI (Sistem Insyarat Bahasa Indonesia ) Translation Using CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK (CNN)
Arie Rachma Syulistyo, Dhebys Suryani, Pramana Yoga Saputra

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Arie Rachmad Syulistyo

Politeknik Negeri Malang

Deaf people are one of those with disabilities who cannot speak and hear. Deaf people using sign language for communication who use sign language with hand gestures, body and convey facial expressions using sign language. One important component in sign language is the alphabetical finger or the manual alphabet needed to complete communication. The alphabet of the finger is done by spelling words on spoken language, by spelling letter by letter using a finger. This method is used to spell the name or mention the word. However, not everyone understands sign language, so tools needed to bridge communication between people who are deaf with normal people. One solution will be offered is to use computer technology as a tool to recognise sign language. The technology is an automatic language translator system that integrates a webcam as a detection device by using the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method.

sign language, convolutional neural network

Information Systems Technology


Ahmad Maulana (a*), Dr. Samuel Beta K., Ing-Tech.,M.T (b), Dr. Eng. Sidiq Samsul Hidayat., Ph.D

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Ahmad Maulana

State Polytechnic of Semarang

As one form of efforts to improve its quality, it is proper implementation of the college implemented through a good planning system through the existence of a strategy and development plan in a college. Therefore it is necessary to do an information technology investment to improve the effectiveness of work. In this regard, information technology has become a fundamental need for universities to survive and achieve competitive advantage. But the other side there are some things that are constraints that is investment in information technology requires a relatively large cost. This condition requires careful planning in implementing information technology. It also requires good governance in order to obtain maximum results and benefits for an organization. The purpose and benefits of this research is to produce strategic planning information System Management, unify the steps to develop a work program or development in the computer Technical department DIII Polytechnic Harapan Bersama so that it will Improve service and performance in this unit. The research methods conducted by researchers are action research with the Ward and Peppard analysis methods. Data collection using: Observation methods, interview methods, questionnaire methods, library study methods

Information System Management, Polytechnic, College

Information Systems Technology


The Effect of Distance Base Transceiver Station(BTS) on Speed of Vehicle Safety Response Based on Internet of Things
Mira Esculenta Martawati (a), Husni Faisal(b), Ilham Nur Abidin(c)

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Mira Esculenta Martawati


In 2017, the Central Bureau of Statistics recorded cases of theft of motorized vehicles and embezzled cars from rental services totaling 35,226 cases. The purpose of this research is to develop and make vehicle safety modules from previous research. This tool can turn on and l off ignition remotely where the coil will be connected to a relay that will be controlled by a microcontroller. The microcontroller will be connected to the internet network and can be controlled through the website interface. This tool can also determine each position of the vehicle quickly and continuously or realtime. the workings of this tool information on the position of the vehicle originating from the NEO 6M GPS sensor will be sent by the microcontroller to the internet database, from the database can be seen through internet addresses available using a web browser and also an android application integrated with the system so that vehicle owners can immediately turn off ignition. This research is to find out the performance of a device with 4G LTE internet network for XL, Telkomsel, Smartfren and Indosat provider in Indonesia and find out the response speed of the device when there is theft or embezzlement.

vehicle safety, internet of things, Arduino ESP 8266, Mobile Wi-Fi

Information Systems Technology


The Effect of Information Quality, System Quality, Service Quality on Intention to Use and User Satisfaction, and Their Effect on Net Benefits Primary Care Application at Primary Health Facilities in Malang
Rudy Ariyanto; Erfan Rohadi; Vivin Ayu Lestari (*)

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Corresponding Author
Vivin Ayu Lestari

Department of Information Technology, Politeknik Negeri Malang.

The Indonesian government has serious attention to facilitate the health of its people, one of which is by establishing Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) hereinafter BPJS. The Government of Indonesia collaborates with several parties including primary health facilities, General and Regional Hospitals, as well as general practitioners and specialists who have been appointed by BPJS. The aim of this study is the user-s perception of Primary Care applications at primary health facilities BPJS in Malang. This study uses the Update D & M IS Success Model to assess the success of an information system where its use is mandatory at primary health facilities. The model contains 6 dimensions that can measure the success of a system are Information Quality, System Quality, Service Quality, Use, User Satisfaction and Net Benefits. This research is a quantitative study using a questionnaire with a Likert scale. The sampling method was carried out using purposive sampling in determining respondents is doctors or admins who operated directly on primary care applications at primary health facilities. The results of this study indicate that primary care applications can be categorized as successful information systems for each dimension of success in the Upadate D & M IS Success Model.

Information Quality; Intention to Use; System Quality; Service Quality, User Satisfaction

Information Systems Technology


The implementation of microservices architecture in certification management information system
Imam Fahrur Rozi, Rudy Ariyanto, Dika Rizky Yunianto, Agung Nugroho Pramudhita, Ivan Fadhila

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Imam Fahrur Rozi

State Polytechnic of Malang

Technology is developing rapidly and is having widespread use. Practical in use, speed in processing data are some main factors that encourage the use of technology in many business processes. Professional certification process held by LSP (Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi) P1 Polinema, is one of complex business process that needs information technology as a tool to run the business. Professional certificates given through the certification process are formal proof to recognize the skill level. This research develops a management information system to manage the certification process that is accessible through internet. If many information systems are generally built by using a monolithic approach, this research performs development based on microservices approach. If an application or system developed by using monolithic architecture, it is wrapped in a large package, so that when there is a change it will affect the other parts. It means that it is difficult to maintain and will affect the production process. The microservices architecture offers a slightly different approach, a software architecture concept that can be a solution to make large-scale software more organized and can quickly adapt to the development of existing business needs. To speed up the deployment and testing process utilizing continuous integration so that the development process is consistent and can check regularly to reduce errors obtained.

professional certification, microservices, monolithic

Information Systems Technology


The Use of Decision Table for Reducing Complex Rules in Software Testing
Joosten, Adhistya Erna Permanasari, Teguh Bharata Adji

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Joosten Joosten

Gajah Mada University

The testing phase is always one of the important stages in developing a software. Without this stage, software errors will be difficult to find at the beginning of the software development. This study uses a decision table method that aims to shorten the rule of software testing. The advantage of this method is that it can help make fewer rule combinations for testing. This study uses a medical information system as a case study. In the medical information system, 20 test cases were identified early in the software testing process. Of the 20 test cases, there are 7 test cases that have the same characteristics so that they can be combined into only 13 test cases. Therefore, it can be concluded that the decision table method can reduce software testing time.

software testing, rule, decision table

Information Systems Technology


Hendra Pradibta1, Usman Nurhasan2

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Hendra Pradibta

1,2 Jurusan Teknologi Informasi/ Information Technology Department
Politeknik Negeri Malang /State Polytechnic of Malang

At present, the learning model with practicum learning methods in the laboratory is considered an effective learning model. However, from these advantages, there are weaknesses. One of the weaknesses of practicum learning methods is the high cost of learning because it requires much equipment. Digital Learning is an educational concept that utilizes information technology in the teaching and learning process. The concept of learning in digital multimedia is by utilizing virtual reality technology. The concept of virtual reality that simulates the real world into the digital world can be used as a solution to overcome the weakness of existing learning method. This study provides the development of virtual reality for practicum learning in the laboratory. The knowledge base applied came from scientific experts and used as a rule in learning. The purpose of developing this application is as a prototyping framework of virtual learning that can be applied to laboratory practicum learning.

Practicum Learning, Laboratory, Virtual Reality, Knowledge Base, Artificial Intelligence

Information Systems Technology


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