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Abstract Topic: Computer Science

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The utilization of the Scratch in making music controller to introduce traditional musical instruments
J. Julia; Prana Dwija Iswara; Tedi Supriyadi

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J. Julia

PGSD Sumedang, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

Introducing traditional musical instruments to the students in the digital era needs to be facilitated by utilizing several devices, such as a computer keyboard or a laptop as music controllers. By utilizing a computer keyboard as a music controller, the students can recognize the characteristics of sounds, and play melodies from traditional musical instruments in simpler ways. Therefore, this research aims at describing the utilization of Scratch application in controlling music production through a computer keyboard. Following are steps taken: (1) install the Scratch, (2) make the sound buttons, (3) input the sound from traditional musical instruments, and (4) set the sound buttons according to computer keyboard. The production of the music controller has resulted in teaching media used for introducing the sound of traditional musical instruments and playing a series of melodies based on the availability of tone structures in a computer keyboard. The melodies can be played in single-tone, two-tone, and/or more (chord) patterns. To conclude, the utilization of the Scratch as music controllers has potentially facilitated the introduction of traditional musical instruments in the digital era to the students.

Scratch application; Musical Controller; Traditional Musical Instruments; Digitalization on Traditional Music

Computer Science


Thesis Topic Recommendation using Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique
Cepy Slamet (a); Fahmi Mahmud Maliki (a); Undang Syaripudin (a); Abdusy Syakur Amin (b); Muhammad Ali Ramdhani (*, a)

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Muhammad Ali Ramdhani

(*) m_ali_ramdhani[at]
(a) Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
(b) Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to design information systems that can recommend the selection of final project (thesis) topics based on the competencies possessed by students. The analytical model integrated into this system is the Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique (SMART), with student competency data taken based on the grade score of the subjects relevant to the selection of the final project theme clusters. The design of the information system in this study uses a prototype model, with the main stages consisting of needs analysis, design, testing, and evaluation. The system designed successfully runs well and can provide recommendations on the selection of thesis topics. This recommendation is expected to provide an overview of the strength of competencies that are superior to students what have relevance to the cluster of the thesis main topics.

competence, final project, SMART, thesis

Computer Science


Video Streaming Application Design for Color Blind Users
Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto, M A Fadhlurrahman, Yonathan Andri Hermawan

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Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto

Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to provide the same experience for users when using online video streaming web. The research method used to describe the context is used to record current problems. The results of the research obtained are the basis for building web-friendly video streaming for plain color users. The cause of these results is because of the lack of a web that provides colorful user friendly video streaming applications. The conclusion are users who can experience the same experience when using web video streaming online.

Application, web ,

Computer Science


Virtual Reality Markerless Woman Reproduction anatomy simulations to Improve the Psychological Experience of Medical Students
Rohman dijaya, Fakhrul Ulum, Ghozali Rusyid Affandi

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rohman dijaya

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Academics in the field of health need to understand anatomy visually needed to know the details and functions of each component of the anatomy of the body. More specifically, the female reproductive system in the pelvis based on its anatomy consists of two parts: the external genitalia (which are on the outside), and the internal genitalia (which are on the pelvis). The female reproductive system in the field of education and knowledge of Virtual Reality technology is very beneficial for midwifery and science students to support knowledge. Because with the existence of a technology Virtual Reality (VR) organs contained in the body will look more clearly. VR-based simulation methods have several important benefits when compared with the method of using anatomy props. Markerless Virtual Reality every object or whole room can be an object. the object that will be raised is the reproductive and female pelvic system objects and each of each marker displays an animated 3D object in accordance with the database that has been stored and 3D objects can be manipulated by moving, rotating and enlarging objects. The process of interaction between the model and the user, especially health academics, increases the psychological deprivation of users in terms of understanding womens reproductive anatomy.

Anatomy,Markerless, Virtual Reality, Woman Reproduction

Computer Science


Visual Cohort Baby Medical Recording based on Internet of Things for Maternal and Child Health Service
Cholifah, Rohman Dijaya

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rohman dijaya

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Maternal and Child Health Service is a health service that makes it easier for the public to monitor the growth and development of infants and toddlers. The people who get this health service are infants less than one year old and toddlers aged 1 to 5 years. Maternal and Child Health Service in the community, especially in rural areas, the medical equipment used is still inadequate, for example to weigh infants and toddlers, maternal and child health official use scales commonly used to weigh rice. Periodically babies and toddlers are weighed by medical personnel, and the results are then recorded in the maternal and child book. In some cases, the registration process is still not efficient, because the possibility of the book being lost. In this research, first coding from four sensors used are heart rate sensor, weight sensor, temperature sensor and ultrasonic sensor. In the microcontroller, the Artificial Neural Network artificial intelligence method is embedded to learn from inputs to classify decisions / action information from the sensor medical record results. Medical record data and learning outcomes from Artificial Neural Network will be sent using Internet of Things modules on the server so that they can be accessed by the application server both web and mobile. Visualization of medical record data and the results of the health conditions of infants and toddlers recapitulated on the cohort book periodically

Artificial Neural Network, Child, Internet of Things, Health Service, Maternal

Computer Science


Natalia Magdalena R. Mamulak (a), Alfry A. J. SinlaE (b), Juventinho Jose M. De Araujo (c)

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Natalia Magdalena R Mamulak

Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira

The Immigration Office is one of the public service offices that has many activities carried out. These activities are often covered and published in the form of news articles. The news that has been published is very much making it difficult to find the desired news. One way to search is by ranking. Ranking is one branch of knowledge from information retrieval. Information retrieval is to find material (usually documents) from a collection of unstructured data (usually text) to meet the information needs of a large collection. One method of searching documents is to use Vector Space Model (VSM). VSM uses a concept found in linear algebra, namely vector space. Based on the concept used, document modeling was developed to search the required documents. Column vector representation is used in converting input documents. Another concept used is to know the closeness between two vectors, namely by calculating the amount of angle formed between two vectors and then sorted from data that has the smallest to the largest angles that indicate the order of ranking data from the most relevant to not relevant. One of the weighting algorithms is the tf-idf algorithm which is influenced by the frequency of occurrence of words in each online document and the frequency of online documents that have the word. In this study explained the visualization of VSM in searching documents on news about immigration in the East Nusa Tenggara region.

Imigration, Information Retrieval, TF-IDF, Vector Space Model, Visualization

Computer Science


Vocational Education Enterprise Architecture Framework (VEEAF) for Support Business Processes On Vocational High School
Bambang Prasetya Adhi, Widodo, Hamidillah Ajie

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Bambang Prasetya Adhi

(1,2,3) Department of Informatics Education Faculty of Engineering Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Technology support the business processes of an organization. Advanced and established organizations have a variety of activities that are well managed with a framework or an architecture. Enterprise architecture is an illustration of how a business process can be managed with the support of various technologies in its environment. Vocational High School is one of the organizations in the field of education that needs to develop and adapt to the times. Many of his activities are now starting to switch from using manual technology. Currently data is one of the most important things to manage because it has value as an example for the accreditation process. In addition, increasing industrial and market demand needs to be taken seriously. Vocational education enterprise architecture is an architecture that can later build business processes in vocational secondary schools to facilitate organizations in responding to such rapid development. Vocational Education Enterprise Architecture Framework (VEEAF) was developed using the Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF).

business processes; Enterprise architecture; Vocational High School; Vocational Education Enterprise Architecture Framework (VEEAF)

Computer Science


Web-Based Lecture Evaluation Application
Fariani Hermin Indiyah, Ratna Widyati, Mulyono

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Fariani Hermin Indiyah

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

The lecture evaluation application is one solution for the management of the study program administration. This application system is able to store and process academic data systematically from year to year, with the support of computer technology and software provided. Evaluation trends from year to year in each study program, faculty, or overall with high complexity can also be done.

lecture evaluation application, evaluation trends

Computer Science


Web-Based Literacy Information Systems as Strategies to Improve Society Reading Interest
Ricky Firmansyah (a*), Nanang Hunaifi (b), Dinda Amalia (c)

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Ricky Firmansyah

a) AMIK BSI Bandung
Jl. Sekolah Internasional 1-2, Bandung 40282, Indonesia
b) AMIK BSI Bandung
Jl. Sekolah Internasional 1-2, Bandung 40282, Indonesia
c) STIE Wikara
Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani No.21 Purwakarta

The reading ability of 9-14 years children in Indonesia ranks 40th out of 40 countries studied by the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). Reading interest must be accustomed regularly at least for yourself, efforts to increase the reading interest need to be fostered from an early age. Gerakan Literasi Sekolah (GLS) was launched to increase the reading interest for school residents, especially students. However, the implementation of GLS in schools is still not utilizing information technology. This research focuses on how to design a web-based literacy information system to increase students reading interest in junior high schools. This web-based literacy information system is designed with Unified Modeling Language (UML) architecture diagrams, implemented using the PHP language and MySQL database system. The system was tested using Black box Testing and a questionnaire for public testing. The results of this study are the literacy information system has been developed that is used to increase student reading interest, where 82.91% of respondents agreed that this system provides convenience in facilitating work and uploading book reviews made by users.

internet; literacy; information system; reading interest; website

Computer Science


Web-Based Orphanage Fundraising Information System
Phitsa Mauliana (a*), Ricky Firmansyah (b), Ai Surtika Dewi (c)

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Phitsa Mauliana

Jl. Sekolah Internasional 1-2, Bandung 40282, Indonesia
Jl. Sekolah Internasional 1-2, Bandung 40282, Indonesia
b) STIE Wikara
Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani No.21 Purwakarta 41114, Indonesia

Today in Indonesia there are still many orphanages which have many financial, facilities, and affection limitations considering the orphanage is a place where children are abandoned by their parents. Donations are needed to support the growing number of foster children such as food, foster education, and electricity/water fees and so on. One funds source for orphanages in various countries comes from several online donation sites on the internet. This research proposes the "e-Panti" web-based orphanage information system as a means of raising donations. Through this system, benefactors will be able to see profiles of orphanages, lists of orphans, orphanage activities, and how to make donations. This system was developed by the waterfall method which was designed using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) architecture diagram and implemented into the PHP web programming languages using MySQL database system. The system is tested using Black box testing to ensure system functionality and user acceptance tests using questionnaires. The results of this study are the development of the "e-Panti" web-based orphanage information system with a user acceptance rate of 77.50% based on the the questionnaire results.

donation; information system; internet; orphanage; website

Computer Science


Website for Remote Village Empowerment in Developing Countries
Dini Destiani Siti Fatimah(a*), Rina Kurniawati(b)

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Dini Destiani Siti Fatimah

Departement of Informatics, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut
Jalan Mayor Syamsu No. 1, Jayaraga, Garut 44151

The village is an area that has a low population density, homogeneous social interactions, works in the field of agriculture and is the lowest government body under the sub-district. The progress of a village varies, depending on its ease in exchanging resources for the lives of its people. Remote villages are villages that are difficult to exchange resources with other regions, so that growth is hampered. The presence of the internet is expected to be able to open access to information to empower disadvantaged villages, among others, by creating village websites. The website is one means of introducing villages to other regions, so that there is an exchange of products and cultures that increase the prosperity of the village. Based on this, the research aims to design a village website. The methodology used in this design uses the mechanism for designing object-oriented Unified Approach websites. This method provides two major stages, namely Object Oriented Analysis and Object Oriented Design, with the help of Unified Modeling Language modeling. The results of the study are village websites that provide information on agricultural products and processed products offered to other regions. Since this website can be accessed globally, information about the village can be spread throughout the world. Website information can be updated by village officials through training for six hours. System development can be done by providing consultation facilities between village officials and system makers. The conclusion of this study is that the village website produced can be used to provide information about the work of the village community so that it can be marketed to other regions. This website can also be integrated with school and marketplace web.

Marketplace, Remote Village, School, Unified Approach

Computer Science


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