Indonesia Conference Directory

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Samudra International Conference (SIC 2024)
Starts on 2024.11.12 for 2 days in Medan
Organized by Universitas Samudra

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International Conference, Le Polonia Hotel and Convention Medan (Hybrid), Medan
Keywords: Applied Physics and Chemistry, Curriculum and Learning Innovation, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Education and Pedagogy, Educational Leadership and Policy, Energy and Sustainable Engineering, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities, Technology and Engineering, Technology in Education

The 9th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2024)
Starts on 2024.09.24 for 1 days in Medan
Organized by Universitas Negeri Medan

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International Conference, Universitas Negeri Medan (Online), Medan
Keywords: Curriculum, Research and Development, Economics, Business and Management Education, Education and Research Global Issue, Educational Policy and Administration Education, Innovative Educational Practices and Effective Technology in the Classroom, Mathematics, Science and Nursing Education, Social, Language and Cultural Education, Teachers Education Model in Future, Transformative Learning and Educational Leadership, Vocational Education and Educational Technology

The Joint International Conference on Innovation in Education, Science and Culture and Applied Sciences and Material Applications (ICIESC 2024)
Starts on 2024.09.17 for 1 days in Medan
Organized by Universitas Negeri Medan

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International Conference, Grand Mercure Hotel Medan, Medan
Keywords: Creativity, Arts and English in Education, Early childhood Education, Economics and Social Education, Linguistics and Foreign Language, Management and Education Innovation, Mathematics and Computational System, Multimedia and e-learning system, Science and Vocational Education, Social Science and Humanities, Sport Sciences and Heritage Culture

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