Evaluation of Deep Sea Pilot Services in the Malacca - Singapore Strait Rosita Sinaga (a), Windra Priatna Humang (b*), Abdy Kurniawan (a), Hendrik Marantino (a)
a) Researchers at the Center for Research and Development of Sea, River, Lake and Ferry Transport, Ministry of Transportation, Jakarta b) Universitas Andi Djemma, Palopo * windrahumang[at]gmail.com
Conditions of shipping lanes in the Malacca - Singapore Strait is very crowded, making deep sea pilot services in this region very important, especially in ensuring the safety of shipping for sailing ships. Indonesia, which has the most dominant territory (60%) in the Straits of Malacca, should be able to seize opportunities for the development of economic activities such as providing ship guidance services, ship to ship transfer activities, ship provision equipment supply, ship crewing activities, ship repairs and others . This study aims to develop recommendations to optimize deep sea pilot services in the Malacca - Singapore Strait. The analytical method used is costumer satisfaction index (CSI) and importance performance analysis (IPA) to evaluate the implementation of guide services in terms of human resources, facilities and infrastructure, implementation of ship guidance services, non-tax state revenues and business marketing systems. The implementation of the deep sea pilot in the Malacca - Singapore Strait currently carried out by Pelindo I is considered to be not optimal. This condition can be seen from the lack of guided ships, only around 14-16 ships are recorded in a year, very far with the potential of guided ships in 2016 reaching 7,535 calls
Keywords: Malacca - Singapore Strait, Deep Sea Pilot, Shipping
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