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Study on the Influence of Work Environment & Work Engagement Moderated by Work Family Conflict to TurnOver Intension in IT Integration System company
Franciscus Xaverius Wahyu Arif Wibawa, Deny Setiaji Nursidiq, Ricky Tan, Meilani Hartono

Bina Nusantara University


The purpose of this study is to investigate how Work Engagement and Work Environment affect the turnover of employees in IT companies with a sample of programmers. By using Resource Conservation theory as a theoretical framework, this study contributes to existing research by examining the relationship between Work Engagement (ie Vigour, Dedication and Absorbtion) and Work Environmnent moderated by Work Family Conflict. Descriptive analysis and correlation will be conducted using SPSS. Then, to test the hypothesis above, Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) analysis is used using SMARTPLS. From the results of the study indicated to have significant influence on TurnOver Intension from the three variables studied, they are Work Environment, Work-Engagement and Work-Family Conflict, only Work Engagement has significant influence on TurnOver Intension, and it is negative. This means that the higher the employees Work Engagement, the lower the TurnOver level in the company that becomes the object of study.

Keywords: work engagement; work environment, work-Family conflict; Turnover Intention, IT Company

Topic: Human Resource Management


Conference: International Conference on Administration Science (ICAS 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (franciscus xaverius wahyu arif wibawa)

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