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Urban Air Pollution Monitoring System For Mapping Areas Based on Pollutant Level
Agus Mulyana, Iqbal Syahrul Siddiq

Universitas Komputer Indonesia


This paper presents an explanation of the design of Carepol, an air pollution monitoring system in urban areas, using ISPU standard calculations (air pollution standards index of Indonesia) based on the internet of things (IoT). ISPU is a standard of air quality determination recognized by the government of the Republic of Indonesia through the Ministry of Environment. This IoT-based air pollution monitoring system is focused on measuring carbon monoxide (CO) levels as the highest pollutants in the world today, and analyzing and estimating the value of these pollutants in real time and continuously. By using Carepol, society can actively engage in the control of urban air quality, and contribute to improving the environment and public health. For the government, Carepol can serve as a reference platform for proper policy-making in environmental issues, especially air pollution, and as well as realization of Smart City for better life.

Keywords: Pollution Monitoring System, ISPU, Carbon monoxide (CO), Smart City.

Topic: Informatic and Information System


Conference: 2nd International Conference on Informatics, Engineering, Science and Technology (INCITEST 2019)

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