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Design of Power Monitoring Systems Using Microcontroller Arduino Mega 2560 at Heavy Equipment Company
Agus Ponco Putro; Reza Septiandi; Syahril Ardi

Politeknik Manufaktur Astra


Abstract. In this paper, we design the power monitoring systems at the heavy equipment company. In a production process, the need for pressurized air supply in this company is quite large. In this case it is fulfilled by the operation of 2 compressor units. The compressor used has a working power of 90 KW, so that in its operation also requires a large electricity supply. In the list of company facilities, compressors are machines with the largest energy consumption. With regard to energy efficiency programs, the company plans to reduce energy use from each machine, especially compressors, while paying attention to existing production targets. In this research, the first step taken is by monitoring power usage. This is useful to find out whether the machine is working according to needs, or there are uses that are not to support existing production. For example, the machine turns on when it is not working hours, or there is a machine that is not in good condition. To facilitate this work, we design a compressor power usage monitoring system based on the microcontroller Arduino Mega 2560. In this system, the data taken is the working flow of the compressor using the ACS712 current sensor, which is then processed by Arduino so that the value of power usage is obtained. Next, data is sent via the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module to the database. The output of this system is the value of work flow and compressor working power in real time, along with the total value of power usage by the compressor displayed on a website. Through the site, data can be accessed by PCs or the hand phone that connected to the companys network. The measurement results of this system have a measurement accuracy of 98.48%.

Keywords: Arduino Mega 2560, Monitoring System, Machine Power Consumption, current sensor ACS712, Wifi Module ESP8266

Topic: International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Conference: The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation (ICoSI 2019)

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