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Monitoring Application for Clean Water Access and Clustering using K-Means Algorithm
Nizar Rabbi Radliya(1), Muhammad Rajab Fachrizal(2), Azhar Risalati Rabbi(3)

(1,2)Universitas Komputer Indonesia, (3)Universitas Siliwangi


Clean water needs for the community continue to increase along with population growth in each area. The government continued to pursue of clean water supply but them has difficulty in collecting data of people who have or have not had access to clean water. The purpose of this research is to develop a monitoring application of clean water access for the community and determining areas that need to improve access to clean water. Data collection is done by examining documents which are related to clean water management and conducting interviews with the Department of Housing and Settlement of West Java Province. The results of data collection are used to develop a clean water monitoring application system based on Android and Web. Data from the application will be used for clustering with the K-Means algorithm. For example, in the city of Bandung, 12 urban village areas were recommended for increasing access to clean water. The area has a percentage of ownership of clean water access approaching the value of 29.96% of the ownership of clean water sources for food and drink, 28.96% for ownership of other sources of clean water and 14.48% for ownership of reserves of clean water.

Keywords: Monitoring Application, Clean Water Access, Clustering, K-Means Algorithm

Topic: Informatic and Information System


Conference: 2nd International Conference on Informatics, Engineering, Science and Technology (INCITEST 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Nizar Rabbi Radliya)

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