Flexural behavior of double straight notch joint beam column exterior due to lateral cyclic load Memed Timang Palembangan1, Herman Parung2, A. Arwin. Amiruddin3, Ruminsar Simbolon4
Civil Engineer, Hasanuddin University, South Sulawesi , Indonesia
This study aims to determine and analyze the flexural behavior of the double straight notch joint beam column exterior due to lateral cyclic load. There are 3(three) scale test of specimens, BK monolith, SBK type1 and SBK type2. The joint model used the method of mechanical connection and grouting. A load with alternating lateral assumed as cyclic loads. Tested and analysis used by the displacement control method with the standard of the European Convention for Constructional Steelwork (ECCS) 1986. The results showed that the stability of SBK type1 and type2 specimens in terms of the characteristics of the hysteresis loop curve had a similar curve with BK monolith. The greatest displacement in compressive condition occurs in SBK type 2 while for drag condition occurs on monolithic BK. From the results of the study, It is also known that lateral loads are directly proportional to displacement, where the higher borne of the lateral load that will be more bigger of displacement and vice versa. The displacement ductility that occurs are the partial ductility. Based on the results of studies behaviors type 2 SBK has more advantage than type 1 SBK, So the analysis results of SBK type 2 more validation for monolith BK.
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