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Classification and Compilation of the Creative Economy Database in Bekasi Regency
Irland Fardani, Ina Helena Agustina, Muhammad Alif Dilyan Yulindra

Bandung Islamic University


Creativity is the main capital in facing global challenges. In developing the creative economy, required a number of qualified Human Resources (HR) with innovative power and high creativity. But in its implementation, in many region they do not have a database that contain the potential of this creative economy. This study aims to compile a database of creative economic distribution related to tourism activities in Bekasi Regency. The first step was to classify the potential of the existing creative economy and then design the application that could accommodate the potential of the creative economy. From the results of the study it appears that in Bekasi district the most dominant subsector is the culinary sub sector and if we see from the distribution of existing districts, Cikarang subdistrict has the most creative economic potential among other districts.

Keywords: Creative, Economy, Database

Topic: Computer and Communication Engineering


Conference: The Third International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Vocational Education (ICIEVE 2019)

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