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Transparency and Accountability Study for the Selection of Construction Service Providers
Dewi Yustiarini(1*), Biemo W. Soemardi(2), Nanang D. Herman(3), Rochany N.(4), Siti Nurasiyah(5)

(1) UPI and Student at Graduate School of ITB
(3), (4) UPI


Good governance is generally characterized by the application of the principles of transparency, participation and accountability as the starting point. This principle is known as the principle of Good Governance which regulates the relationship between government, society and the business sector (private). The initiative to select providers of electronic construction services (the Construction Services Act) is expected to be an answer to transparency and accountability. PP No.16 / 2018 specifically discusses the procurement of goods / services electronically which is managed by LKPP by developing SPSE. LPSE provides accessible information containing package code, package name, HPS package value, etc. The project stage and the contract stage that must be disclosed according to CoST are not all presented by LPSE. This study aims to identify transparency and accountability in the selection of construction service providers based on the legal perspective of construction services. Secondary data collection through legislation, regulations related to the selection of construction service providers. The results of the study are presented in the form of a model of transparency and accountability in the selection of construction service providers.

Keywords: transparancy, accountability, selection, construction

Topic: Civil Engineering


Conference: The 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Dewi Yustiarini)

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