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The Title is Suggested Changing: Mode Shift Analysis of Private Car to Public Transport in Minangkabau International Airport
Isria Miharti Maherni Putri (a*), Hera Widyastuti (b)

a) Civil Engineering Departement, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya, Indonesia


Good, safe, and efficient transportation are factors should be considered by resident in urban areas. Together with increasing development of technology make rise to a variety of transportation tools that can make competition between transports. While the upper class resident is getting bigger the dependence on personal vehicle it will increase the volume of traffic. Damri bus and Tranex Mandiri are the mode of transportation at the Minangkabau International Airport which is currently the interested people in using buses are decrease and need long time before moving to carry the passengers because of waiting for full load capacity, therefore it is carried out the analysis of probability of movement mode from personal vehicle to Damri and Tranex Mandiri. The methods are used in this research include the distribution of questionnaire, interview and Stated Preference technique. The performance parameters of buses are stop time, headway and load factor. In this research carried out several scenarios binary logistic regression analysis to analyze the movement of mode. The probability of private car users who want to move with Damri buses and Tranex Mandiri are strongly influenced by variables: the purpose of the trip, probability of transferring private car mode transfer is 69.90%.

Keywords: Damri bus and Tranex Mandiri; Probability Stated Preference; Logistic Regression; Performance

Topic: International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Conference: The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation (ICoSI 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (ISRIA MIHARTI MAHERNI PUTRI)

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