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Towards a Water-Sensitive City: Level of Regional Damage to Floods in Makassar City (Case Study: Manggala District)
Ihsan, Abdul Rachman Rasyid, Mimi Arifin, Mochammad Arief Fatchur Rochman, Laode Muhammad Asfan, Gafar Lakatupa, Suci Anugrah Yanti

Urban and Regional Planning Department, Engineering Faculty, Hasanuddin University


Makassar City is a large city that is facing climate change, population growth and rapid urbanization. This has an impact on increasing land market and demand for servicing facilities and infrastructure.Those impacts can decrease the environmental quality, such as environmental degradation and natural disasters. One problem that often occurs every year is the problem of flooding. One of the districts in Makassar City that experienced a flood was Manggala District. This is the background of the researchers to provide an overview of the level of flood vulnerability based on flood vulnerability variables. The variables used in determining the level of flood vulnerability are land cover, rainfall, drainage density, and slope. The objectives of this study are to (1) identify flood vulnerabilities in Manggala District, and (2) identify steps towards Water Sensitive City in its handling solutions from the perspective of urban water management. This study uses a quantitative analysis method with an overlay analysis approach to analyze the vulnerability of flood disasters.

Keywords: Water-Sensitive City Flood Makassar

Topic: Urban & Transportation Sustainability


Conference: The 2nd International Conference on Global Issue for Infrastructure, Environment, and Socio-Economic Development (GIESED 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (IHSAN LATIEF)

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