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Extraction of refined carrageenan using ultrasonic irridiation from kappahycus alvarezi originated from lontar beach
Denni kartika sari ,Dhena Ria Barleany , Retno Sulistyo Dhamar Lestari ,Lira Mustikawati

University of sultan Ageng Tirtayasa


Kappahycus alvarezi is one type of red seaweed containing kappa carrageenan. Lontar beach in Banten province is one that produce red seaweed In Indonesia. An important factor affecting the production of refined carrageenan is the temperature and extraction method. In this study Refined carrageenan extracted from kappahycus alvarezi using ultrasonic irradiation originated from lontar beach has never been studied. The objective of this research was determining the effect of temperature using ultrasonic irradiation and conventional extraction. The result indicated that higher temperature resulted in the increase of the carrageenan sulfate content, gel strength, moisture and ash content. The carrageenan moisture content demonstrated a fluctuated value due to temperature variation. This study suggested extraction process in 70 oC

Keywords: Kappahycus alvarezi, ultrasonic, red seaweed

Topic: Chemical Engineering


Conference: Broad Exposure on Science and Technology (BEST 2019)

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