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The effect of Financial Deepening on Income Gap in Six Countries Asia 2012-2016
Lizzy Dominica, Hanna Octavianie, Zeisha Shabrina, Sindy Septiani

Parahyangan Catholic University


The financial sector plays an important role in increasing a countrys economic growth, but the income gap is one of the main problems in economic growth in various countries. The financial sector has a strong influence on economic development, poverty alleviation and economic stability. This study aims to determine the effect of financial sector deepening on income inequality by using panel data from six countries, namely Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, China and Korea which are divided into two groups, namely lower middle income countries namely Indonesia and the Philippines and upper middle / high income, namely Malaysia, Singapore, China and Korea in 2012-2016. By using the Panel Least Square analysis technique, this study found results that were upper middle / high income; bank assets, broad money, stock traded have a positive effect; lending to the private sector; domestic money bank assets, private sector debt securities and stock market capitalization have a negative effect. Whereas in upper middle / high income countries; bank assets, JUB, stock market capitalization have a negative effect; stock traded has a positive effect; however, lending to the private sector, domestic money bank assets, government debt and private sector debt does not affect the income gap.

Keywords: Financial Deepening, Income Gap, Asia

Topic: Economics


Conference: International Conference on Economics, Business and Economic Education Science (ICEBEES 2019)

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