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Betweenness Centrality in Corona Product of Path and Star Graph
Tri Irvan Haryadi (a*), Liliek Susilowati (a)

a) Departement of Mathematic, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga, Jl. Mulyorejo, Surabaya, Indonesia


Betweenness centrality is a concept in graph theory which is currently widely used in network analysis. The network can be an information network, criminal network, social interaction network, etc. The concept of betweenness centrality studies the potential ability of a point to exert influence on a network. If there is a point x in the shortest path between two points, then point x has the potential to influence information passing through that path. This paper will investigate the concept of betweenness centrality in the corona operation between path and star graph. Corona operation is one of the operations on graph theory that works between two graphs. The corona operation will duplicate the second graph and connect each copy to the first graph.

Keywords: Betweenness centrality; Corona; Graph

Topic: Mathematics


Conference: Mathematics and Science Education International Seminar (MASEIS 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Tri Irvan Haryadi)

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