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Noni Marlianingsih (a), Emzir (b), Ratna Dewanti (c) Saifur Rohman

(a) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI and Universitas Negeri Jakarta
(b) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
(c) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
(d) Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The film Si Doel the Movie is a reflection of Betawi culture which is one of Indonesias diverse cultures. The language in this film mostly uses the term of Betawi, there are many cultural terms include ecology, material culture, religion, social and language. The term can be found in the words such as mengkeret, bujug buset, disamber geledek, and so on. This study analyzes the equality in translation with informants as a benchmark to find out whether the message in the target text is equivalent to the source text. This method is based on the concept of dynamic equality. Based on the informants, the methods and techniques used by the translator in maintaining the equality of messages were analyzed. The theory used is the translation method for cultural terms and translation techniques. Research shows that two equivalent translation characteristics that can be achieved through several methods, language understanding and the culture of the source language and target language; the use of appropriate translation procedures and techniques (transfer, cultural equality, descriptive translation, position transfer, modulation, additional explanations, and standard translations). The right words choices are based on the intention of the screenwriter of this film.

Keywords: Equivalence, culture, translation, subtitles

Topic: International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Conference: The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation (ICoSI 2019)

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