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Calpain Activity of Jawarandu Does Under Four Different Energy Level in the Ration
Mochamad Socheh*., Agus Priyono, Imbang Haryoko and Hermin Purwaningsih

Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


Abstract. The aim of the research is to investigate the effect of four different energy level in the ration into the calpain activity of Jawarandu does. The research was done during 5 months in the Experimental Farm of the Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. The research material used was 16 heads of the Jawarandu doe with the aged 2.5−3 years. All the animals were randomly assigned to the ration treatment which forms four the different energy levels (82.26% TDN, 85, 87.93, dan 90.74% TDN). The replication of each treatment was four times. Variable measured was a calpain activity on the muscle of Longissimus dorsi. General linear model (GLM) of the SPSS was used to analysis variable measured. Energy content 1.63McalME/heads/day and 1.92McalME/heads/day as well as 1.73McalME/heads /day and 2.06McalME/heads/day were increased of the μ-calpain and m-calpain activities at the Longissimus dorsi muscle, respectively. However, there was decreased of the calpastatin activity at the Longissimus dorsi muscle. Different energy content of the ration increased the μ-calpain and m-calpain activities at the Longissimus dorsi muscle and of those decreased calpastatin activity.

Keywords: Calpain activity, Calpastatin activity, Energy level, Jawa Randu Does, Longissimus dorsi

Topic: General animal production and husbandries (ruminants and non-ruminants)


Conference: Internasional Conference on Animal Industry in the Tropics (ICAIT 2019)

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