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Simulation of the registration systems for new Indonesian Computer University students and their implications for service systems process performance
Dedi Sulistiyo S

Universitas Komputer Indonesia


This study is to analyze the registration systems for new UNIKOM students, and its implications for the level of utility registration service officer, expected number of units in the system, expected waiting time of an arrival and probability that there are 0 units in the system at a particular time. The method used is a quantitative method through continuous analysis of simulation. simulation with changes in status from the simulation model occur at points of continuous time change by an event. In a continuous event simulation, the status variable changes if an event occurs along with a change in time. The object of this research is prospective students as a unit of analysis. The technique of collecting data uses saturated random sampling of applicant prospective students. The results of the registration systems process show a good level of expectation on the utility, the number of units in the system, location state single, the waiting time and output entity activity system, from the registration systems for new UNIKOM students. The next step is to continual improvement each service room with time, the number served is more effective and efficient so PMB service room becomes excellent.

Keywords: Simulation, Service, Performance

Topic: Industrial Engineering


Conference: 2nd International Conference on Informatics, Engineering, Science and Technology (INCITEST 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Dedi Sulistiyo Soegoto)

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